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Rage shot through Naruto's veins, he watched closely as this bitch Rin kissed HIS BOYFRIEND. It took everything in Naruto to not pounce on the girl, instead, he watched as he planned his revenge.

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An hour had passed, everyone went back to the place they first met up at.

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Naruto side-eyed the brunette, then the raven who was noticeably uncomfortable. Naruto was about to ask him about it but Shikamaru spoke up, "Let's head to the sauna." Naruto backed down and nodded in agreement.

Once they got to the sauna Naruto looked around and noticed Rin talking to the girls, he quietly growled which didn't go unheard, Sasuke heard him and was about to question him. Of course, Naruto had different plans and kissed him.

Sasuke's eyes shot open he didn't expect the blonde to do this, meanwhile, Naruto deepened the kiss, staring at the brunette. Rin glared at the blonde. Naruto didn't stop until he heard Sasuke moan. At this moment Naruto finally pulled away and stared at the girl. Everyone noticed the mischievous smirk that appeared on Naruto's face. Ino chuckled then dragged Hinata and Sakura into the sauna, wanting to avoid whatever the blonde was planning. Everyone else followed suit, Naruto glared the girl down before walking into the sauna.

Sasuke couldn't deny he was more than impressed at the stunt his lover just pulled.

The rest of the day went smoothly, it wouldn't last long though. Not with what Naruto was planning.

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"I'll see you guys later! I have something to do!" Naruto kissed his boyfriend then ran away. "You guys can go along I don't trust this dobe, especially with the stunt he pulled today." the others agreed and continued their path.

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Meanwhile with Naruto

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Naruto followed this so-called Rin girl, she didn't know her way around so it was clear to Naruto that she was a tourist. The blonde took a kunai out of his shoes. He began to follow the girl, she had lost her way and was stranded in a dark alley. Naruto slid the kunai on the walls, causing a slight screeching sound.

The brunette turned around in fear, the darkness made Naruto unnoticeable. He smirked because of this, "Foolish brat." Naruto thought to himself as he got closer.

It was at this moment Sauske had found him, the raven stared in awe as he watch his lover taunt the girl. "So this is what he was planning..." Sasuke followed suit. creeping behind the shorter blonde.

The moonlight shined brighter, the rays glistering on the skin of the two men in front of the girl. One with bright blue eyes... the other with a pair of Sharingan.

The girl trembled in fear as she screamed out, "PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!" Naruto was about to scoff when he heard a deeper voice laugh.

He didn't have to turn around, he already knew it was his boyfriend. Instead, an eerie smirk appeared on his face.

The two walked closer to the girl, Naruto slightly pressed the knife against her abdomen.

Rin's breath hitched as she felt the sharpness of the knife against her bare skin, she cursed herself for wearing a crop top. Sasuke stood afar watching his blonde in action. Naruto leaned in and coldly whispered, "You shouldn't have touched what's mine" naruto cockingly laughed, "In exchange for my condolence... I'll kill you... and whoever dares to lay a hand on HIM." he looked into her eyes before shoving the knife in.

"I-" the girl mumbled, the cold knife was pulled out and shoved back in. Bright red blood squirted on the blonde and the hand on top of his.

"Sa- Sasuke"

The Uchiha leaned down and kissed Naruto's neck, "You did good, but I know you weren't going to kill her."

Sasuke was right, naruto only planned on hurting her enough to scare her, not kill her. Naruto shoved the knife in the girl but Sasuke killed her.

"You know me too well," Naruto smirked. They both pulled their hands off the knife and pulled each other into a kiss. Before it could escalate any further, Sasuke asked Naruto, "What are we going to do with the body?"

Naruto looked up, thinking of what to do with it. "Let's just dump it in a river" he answered. "Good idea, dobe" Naruto laughed at the nickname then helped his boyfriend dispose of the body. 

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