Authors note

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Hey guys. I just want to say sorry for not updating lately. It's just that I have huge writers block and my mind is literally blank. I can't think of anything to write about. And I was reading some other story and she wrote an authors note that encouraged me to write this.

People always would say life sucks. Because they didn't get what they wanted, suffered a break up or saw their bf/gf cheating on them. But, then again, think of people who have lifelong struggles. Anorexia, anxiety, etc. They struggle every day with their life. And suicide. I read in my other story which also led me to this. Suicide is kind of like cheating death. Life gives you challenges. But life knows you can handle them. That's why life does that to us. If you want to cheat death, fine, go ahead. But other people who are really sick, they should making that choice. Yes, life can be shitty sometimes but don't give up. Quoting Finnick from Mockingjay part one

"It takes ten timers longer to put yourself together than to break yourself apart. It's best not to give into it."

Keep dealing with shitty life and I promise something good will come out of it. I don't think life will give you a life full of depression. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to smile. You deserve a wonderful life. Døńt give up on life yet.

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