Chapter five

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Cassie's POV
'We're free' Anika said as she let me take over.

"Sam?" I called waiting outside my window.

"You will not be taking my daughter away from me you fucking asshole!" I heard my dad scream.

Uh oh. This can't be good. Not good at all.

"Yes I can I am your alpha and she is my mate. You abused her and everyone ignored her. Do you think she would want to stay with you?! I will not have this tolerance in my pack. Stay away from my mate and you will be thrown out of the pack if you lay a finger on her again" Sam yelled back.

Wait what? My dad is in Sam's pack?! No he's not.

'Sam.' I mind linked

'Throw the bags out the window I'm outside I'll catch them.'

'Okay' He threw the bags and luckily I caught them.

"Goodbye sir and I hope we never meet again. If we do, I'll probably rip your head off." Sam said as he jumped out the window.

"Oh yeah?" my father yelled as he jumped out the window.

My father was known for being fast not strong. Sam doesn't know that. Oh shit, I'm fucked. Not in a wrong way.

Sam charged at my father. My father ran out of the way and came towards me.

"Step any closer and I snap her neck in half." My father said, grabbing my neck and my head.

My eyes widened in fear. No. Please no. I cut myself but I don't actually want to die.

'Sam I can't die not now not after meeting you please help me' I mind linked Sam tears filling my eyes.

"What do you want?" Sam asked through gritted teeth.

"For now I will beat her up in front of you and you are to watch every second of it without moving a muscle or I break her neck. Oh and by the way, I'm not in your pack, dumbass. Im rogue." My father said.

'Say okay. I've been through this many times Sam I can handle it' I mind linked Sam.

I knew it. I knew my dad was a rogue.

Sam growled and shut his eyes painfully. He lets out a soft whine. I felt a pang in my chest. He cares. He really, actually cares.

"Fine." Sam growls, opening his eyes.

My father let go of my neck and punched me in the nose. I screamed out in pain as my nose started bleeding. He repeatedly punched my jaw, my cheek.

Then he flipped me onto my back and ripped off my shirt. He took off his belt and started whipping me. The belt stung every time it hit my back.

I grit my teeth as the belt hit my skin, never crying in front of Sam. Then, he took a knife out of his back. My eyes widen.

He never use weapons against me. I mean, he once threw a bottle at me but a knife?! I screamed as he carved into my back.

I didn't know what he was writing. But I did know that it fucking hurt.

"Ow! Ow! Fuck! Ow! Please stop!" I yelled.

He finished carving and said "Done. This pathetic piece of shit is yours."

My dad runs back to his house and slams the front door. Sam runs over to me and kneels by my side.

"Come on baby, lets take you to your new home. I am gonna shift and you will climb onto my back. Then I will take care of you." Sam said.

I nodded. He shifted and I climbed onto his back. Sam took me to the pack house and I frowned.

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