Bonus chapter

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I realized I haven't done a scene with Melissa, Cassie's daughter. So here is the Christmas scene!

Christmas Eve
I smile when I look at the giggling girl besides me. She's extremely smart.

I look into her brown eyes. She giggles at me.

Two arms wrap around my waist. I lean into them.

"You okay?" Sam asks.

I know if I say yes, he will know I'm not. Alex isn't here. He's supposed to be here.

Marianna isn't here either. She's mourning. I let out a strangled sob.

Sam is immediately cradling me. Whispering soothing things in my ear, running circles on my back as I sob into him.

Soon I hear a cry and know that its Melissa. I pull away from Sam and go to Melissa.

Soon, I calm her down and my tears stop.

"Baby, are you okay?" Sam asks.

I smile. No need to be sad on Christmas Eve.

"Yeah. I'm good." I say. Sam smiles at me.

"Now lets eat cookies and milk till we stay up till midnight watching Santa come." I say while giggling.

Sam groans. I pout till he agrees.

Melissa looks at me. I grab her softly.

"I'll be right back." I say to Sam.

Melissa wiggles in my arms. I switch positions to cradling her and I take her into her room. Melissa's room is right next to ours. I take the elevator to our rooms.

We had a small renovation and now our room, well technically it's Sam's, is now two rooms with a living room. I know right!

So now we have a house, and two rooms in the pack house! Yay!

I lay her down and change her diaper and breast feed. A year ago I would've never thought I would be like this. This all seems like a dream.

Melissa gurgles, pulling me out of my thoughts. I sit her up and lightly pat her back. Then, I rock her to sleep.

She grabs her teddy bear as I lay her down in her crib. I put a blanket over her and turn off the light. There is a small night light in her room.

I go downstairs and sit on Sam. Then I frown, noticing they were gone.

"Where. Are. The. Cookies." I growl.

I look at Sam and see he has crumbs on his face. What?!

Horror passes over my face as I gasp at him. Three seconds later, I am straddling him on the floor and beating him with a pillow.

He's laughing. Flipping laughing.

"Why did you?? They were chocolate chip!!" I whine as I lay down on top of him.

(A/N: Just so you know, they're in the pack house living room. Not their room.)

"That's why I didn't." He said.

What?! I look at him confused.

"Your face was so worth it. When horror took over." He said laughing.

"You flipping liar." I said and I beat him again with the pillow.

"Watch out. Santa won't come." He said.

"Haha I know Santa will come, but he won't give you presents." Kidding. I got him a present.

"I don't give a shit about Santa. He isn't real."

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