Arc 1: Chapter 7

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"Stop calling me that. We're not a group of ruffians." Martin chided. He felt funny hearing it from Bastian. The hell's with that. 

"I heard Rod and the others called you Boss. So I thought I might have to call you that as well. Anyways, why are we still hanging out here for days. I thought we'd start to head out to your military base camp?" Bastian's question seemed out of the blue, but Martin is expecting to be ask such a question. However, he just didn't expect it to be Bastian to ask first. After all, Bastian seemed to treasure his words. He seemed to like being quite too much.

"We're good to go. I'm just dallying. The military base camp is more rigid compared here outside. There's more rules to be followed and protocols to uphold. We enjoy ourselves more when we're doing missions. If asked to choose, I'd be very happy to stay outside." Martin explained. It was his true thought. Living without being constantly constrained is freedom. During his last life, he never found joy being alive. He lost too many, just like the other survivors, there's nothing to enjoy and nothing to look forward to. He never went out, he grew old and died inside his home with just the meager sunlight from the small window beside his bed to witness his lonely death. It was fine for him back then, but now, he wanted to live freely.

"That's a very ruffian-like thought, Boss." Bastian's words made Martin choke. He gave the man a mean look, before standing up and gave a pat on his clothes like patting dust.

"Ha. I don't want to hear that from someone who prefers punching it out with the zombies. You even misled my people to follow your trendy fighting." Martin teased, gaze lingering at those mismatched eyes filled with hidden mirth.

"It saves us from wasting too much bullet, boss." Bastian retorted seriously but his tone is also light, he stood up, put the gun to it's holster, before putting his vest on. "Ammunition production is no longer available, that's why let us continue just the way we are."

"Tsk. Shut up, You! Before, you seemed much aloof and cool, but you today you suddenly learned to joke. And Now you're even nagging at me. We're not ruffians, dont misunderstand, ba. We've been suffering from this misconception, all because of Bunny and Rod. We've also been ambushed by civilians because they thought we're out to steal from them. Dammit! No one even believed when we tried to explain." Martin sighed, shrugging his shoulder like he was used to it.

"You're like them too, boss-

"Oi! Not at all. I'm definitely amiable looking, I say, this misconception was strongly believed due to you joining us. You're the one who added oil to the fire not me." Martin cut at Bastian's words with sudden eagerness. Why the hell am I included? I don't look dangerous at all. Martin harrumphed, his lips forming an unconscious pout. Bastian just hummed, expressing that he understood and wouldn't say anything against the other again.

The two simply looked harmonious. If it was in a drama, the screen would probably be filled pink bubbles and blooming roses. And this was what Rod saw the moment he stepped in the lounge area. It was blinding. He felt like he was stuffed with something sweet yet hard to swallow food.

Damn it! Why are you flirting out in the open? He felt conflicted watching his Boss sudden lovely expression and his new subordinate's adouring gaze as they looked at each other. He felt like he was intruding and had seen something he needs to shut his mouth of. He also felt bitter resentment towards the other three for making him go through this arduous task. Will they beat him to death if he speak now and interrupt their lovely moment?

So scary.... ಥ_ಥ

However, he steeled his heart, deciding to cut off this blinding scene to save himself. He pretended to be calm, coughed, before raising his voice a bit to seem like a very bright, sunny and without Care person- though deep inside- he felt like he'd die any minute now.

"I say, why are you bickering like an old couple here, Boss? We've already loaded the supplies at the truck. We've been waiting for further instruction." Rod interrupted. His tone unhappy and filled with a joking tone, making Martin scoff.

"Want me to give you my full attention, Rod?" He gritted, his tiger teeth showing, as he gave Rod a provoking grin. Rod swallowed hard, he took a step back, shook his head and run out like the devil is on his heels.

"Boss, that's so ruffian like. I say, teach me how to be you." Bastian teased, lips curved into a dazzling smile. He then followed Rod out, leaving the stunned Martin behind.

So handsome!!!!

So handsome!!!!

So handsome!!!!

Important things had to be repeated thrice!!!!

That smile truly was gold!

However, when the words left behind finally registered in his mind, Martin couldn't helped the howl he let out-

"F***! I said I'm not!"
















"hmm.?" Rod glanced at the side mirror, eyes narrowed. "Hold tight, Sirs. We've got company." This was all the warning heard before the vehicle swerved. Despite the suddenness of it all, the passengers remained calm and unaffected. The two vehicle and , a truck confiscated at one of the militant base they raided, continued. Not even the strong banging of the granades thrown can throw off the vehicles on the set path of the drivers.

Rod, Anderson and Bunny were the ones driving. Bastian and Martin were seated at the last modified pick up truck driven by Rod. Bunny drove the military pickup truck situated at the front, while Anderson and Grid were in charge of the 18 wheeler truck carrying the collected resources and equipments. Behind them, 10 armored Chevrolet followed. Two of them slammed at the modified pick up truck, while four surrounded the 18 wheeler truck, pinching them in the middle. The remaining four drove ahead, probably intending to overtake them. The car's windows were tinted, thus, they couldn't see who's behind the sudden attack. However, not knowing who was after them, matters little to the team. Bastian simply pulled his Silver Beretta m9a3, his gaze calm as he stared at Martin who was equally watching him with fervent gaze. Both had a tacit understanding of simply ending the nuisance at the shortest time possible.

"Can't we just rain them with bullets? My M16 rifle is not for decoration, you know? Why do you have to go out and deal with them?" Martin grumbled, but he also readied himself. He held his gun, he lowered the window, before giving Bastian a look. "I'll cover for you. Deal with it." He spat, rolling his eyes filled with irritation when he heard the man's deep chuckle. He felt something fluttering in his stomach, bringing forth a giddy feeling deep within his fast beating heart. 'Damn it! Stop seducing me! It won't work! Definitely not!'

"Thank You... Boss." Bastian simply said, his tone was filled with a teasing tone.

Martin blinked, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed hard.

F****! Such enticement is definitely working!

He silently prayed yo himself, willing his emotions to settle down before turning towards the open window. With a burning cheeks, he pointed the muzzle of his gun at the still following car behind them before pulling the trigger. A loud bang echoed, his precised aim hit the tire makiglng it swerve and hit the road barrier where it then exploded.

With a proud look, Martin grinned, giving Bastian a look expressing- 'hurry up, I might end up dealing with them instead'.

Bastian shook his head, lips curving up ever slightly thinking to himself-

Where did such a cute treasure came from? 

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