Arc 1: Chapter 30

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Martin with just a glance, caught a glimpse of a familiar emotion marring Bastian's face. An emotion he once saw when he was doubting what Bastian had said back then. An expression of inferiority and doubt. And seeing that same expression tugged at his heartstrings.

He gently held the man's wrist, his sapphire blues meeting the expressive mismatched eyes. He couldn't helped but sigh as the man trained those gaze at him like a torch burning his insides, and at the same time, it warms his heart. That no matter what timeline, or how many times he regressed, the man will always be the same man he knows.
"Bastian, I am sorry... I really am. I know it's my fault and i will never do it again. You and I, we both need to take care of ourselves, okay? No more sacrificing lives, okay? We will live and die together." His tone held a hint of pleading, that he himself didn't noticed. He felt uncomfortable, like his chest was stuffed with something soft yet unable to let it all out.

Hearing those words, Bastian almost choked. How the hell is he supposed to react with that? It brought him sweetness like no other. And at the same time, he felt sour.
He paused, his lips pursed as he held Martin's warm hands. He felt the rough palm, then slid his fingers with the mans', a small smile emerged on his lips. Although dying together sounds so sweet, Bastian is not going to approve of it. He can die continuously because he knew he'd just go to the next world. But Martin is not the same. The man will live trapped in this world and will continously do the endless regression. He can't let the man be stuck here. Perhaps, it's not love, but Bastian knew to himself, he couldn't let him be. He needs to help the man. They may not see each other in the next world, but it wouldn't affect him that much if he's with Martin in this world. He's starting to think that he's falling faster than he originally thought, and he needed to calm down and put a break on it. But seeing the man's soft and gentle gaze, holding his rough hands and feeling his skin against his, Bastian despite thinking that he needed to maintain propriety, still held the man's hands just as tight as the other. Not letting go as they walked side by side.  Silently consenting.

The sadness of separation... he'll think of it when the time comes.

Thus, the two, still holding hands, made their way back towards the factory where the others where. Fortunately,  there's no undead to bother the two as they walked side by side.

Rod and Grid are busy gathering their last armory and other supplies, followed by the two civilians carrying a box each. Bunny was perched at at rooftop, using her binoculars to check for any incoming attack, her hands still holding her Sniper rifle strapped across her chest. Seeing the two handsome men walking towards the camp, Bunny could finally breath a sigh of relief. All her worries disipitated instantly.

She signaled at the two, and smiled as she saw her captain raised his freehand to signal back at her. She paused as she saw their hands clasp together, then shrugged her shoulders, she wouldn't ask. Never. Just let them live their lives the way they want to. She just hopes that they find happiness despite the world being what it is now.

"Look here, this spot is the last vision from the satellite before it was hit by one of the meteor fragments. This spot is the only spot where the most concentrated damage is seen. Although there are too many meteor fragments, we will not go for it. The largest one at the center is the right place. The essence it not a simple sample. It's dangerous for us evolved humans. Despite our physical prowess far from being humane, That meteor has an element that stops the virus from spreading inside the body. It's an antibody concentrated inside the meteor." Martin explained as he tapped a map posted at one of the walls. It was pinned using Bastians  and Grids' daggers. Martin glanced at the two civilians, nod his head to wards them, before continuing his instructions. "Listen, as I've said. The meteor of Nullah is basically the antibody created by the universe itself to fight off virus. A way to control the fast spreading of Calamity that has befallen all the living beings in earth. Thus, I will say it to you two. When you gather the example, your chance of being a superhuman will vanish. You will always live as a human, with no power. But, the good things is, no virus will enter your body and infect you. You will be forever immune. Because the essence is like an organism that consumes the virus, we might even die. So you two will have to do it yourselves. We cannot go near the meteor, only you two can." Martin paused, smiled as the two nod their heads firmly. "You two, thank you...We will clear the perimeter and protect you. But you need to protect each other too. We won't know your situation from a certain distance, so be careful."

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