Arc 1: Chapter 13

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The two men, Bastian and Martin standing outside the. Military truck, glanced at the other people eating their meals. Only dry biscuits is the only snack that can be eaten now at this situation and time. There were no more fresh foods. A meal cost so much, it basically left the supers to become a beggar. Since the foods cooked were grown and gotten through various researches and hardship. It can be said that every bit of a leafy vegetables is very important, Even a stem which were normally thrown away before, is to be cooked now. Besides, camping outside and doing mission is a very dangerous task, no one would cook out in the field while guarding against the undead. Eating their ration and drinking a simple mineral of water is much preferred. In order not to affect one's mobility.

Suddenly, a yell erupted from the distant, making everyone scamper and readied themselves. Before the apocalypse, humans are weak. But when the apocalypse started, the humans were also given a fair chance of survival. Thus humans with supernatural strength is now called supers, their senses were enhanced and their physical body strengthened, they no longer need tools and equipments to hear and see from far away.

The group stood, watching with a calm gaze as a bunch of idiot drove their cars towards the camp, with undead following behind them like a group of hyenas ready to devour.

The teams expression turned grim as the people inside the car seemed to have planned t ran them over and let them be eaten as the bait for the horde of the undead.

Rod growled lowly, his eyes narrowed at the moving vehicle. "Boss, shall we teach them A lesson?"

Martin looked at the others, then he gave his orders. "Clean up for the rest of you." Then He gestured to Rod-"Rod will take care of the bastards. Don't cause too much noise and blood, it will attract more." He coldly ordered before sitting at the hood of the military truck. He seemed relaxed a he took a biscuit from his breast pocket.

Bastian stared At martin, then looked at the men readying themselves. He thought, they are enough to deal with the small fries, but his thought paused as he suddenly felt a very strong pulse from somewhere. He immediately straightened, hands reaching for his Katana behind him. His mismatched eyes narrowing even further into slits as he tried to find the source of his unease. Then he muttered lowly, his voice deep and low, making Martin stare at him with a dazed look. However, how hearing his words made him immediately stand at attention.

"What did you say?!" He exclaimed, walking towards Bastian. He follower the others gaze but even with his enhanced sense of sight, he still can't see.

"A nightwalker. It's a fully evolved one. And its coming here at a very fast pace." Bastian simply stated.

"Fuck! Everyone! Change of plans! We can't fight here! Move your asses, go to your car!" Martin screamed, as he immediately made his way towards his own. They can't fight a nightwalker. Not when there's so many zombies coming their way. Nightwalkers are unpredictable. And not to mention, their lethality. A simple scratch can turn you into another undead. It will also turn you into a rotten flesh in a beat if you're lucky enough to die fast on its own hand.

They all turned to get in their cars. Each had a grim face. They felt that the current situation turned for the worst once they heard Martin's abrupt order.
However, before they can even get into the vehicles, they all heard a terrifying screech!

Their expressions turned from grim to ugly as a matter of seconds. Their body stiffening even further when they heard it was not only one, but more of the nightwalkers coming!

"How many-?!" Bunny yelled increadulously as she jumped up the vehicle. used binoculars and look at a distance. And What she saw almost made her scream from fear.

"How many of them is out there?" Martin suddenly ask breathlessly. His heart pounding so hard it might jump out of his chest.

Bastian stared at the distance, -"About 10 of them."

Bunny also couldn't helped but nod her head, confirming Bastian's words.


The crowd of supers suddenly felt their heads turned into balloons popping one after another. The numbers were too scary. One of the nightwalkers can destroy ten of supers, but now they even had to fight ten? Fuck!

"Boss!" They all turned towards Martin, waiting for further instructions.

Martin took a deep breath, -"Team Captain of Wrights, your in charge for clean up. Make sure to prevent unexpected attack from the undead. Rod, deal with the bastards, don't let them die. We'll deal with them after this! Team Avelon, divide yourselves into three, the first three, team up with Steve and Carlos. The second group will team up with bunny and Grid. The last four will be with Anderson and Dione! Deal one nightwalker in each team. We will deal with the rests! Protect yourselves, survuve this and we will be stronger! Dont fret, we will use this as an opportunity to learn how to deal with this fuckers efficiently. Now, Move!!!"

"Yes, Boss!!!" The men started to work, each doing their roles perfectly, they made some simple barricade using some of the military trucks, while the others pulled their guns and weapons up to aim. Others stood in groups, each listening for further instructions from the team leaders. They work like cogs, each with concise roles and goals. Their faces filled with caution and serious expression.

Bastian simply watched their movements, amazed how the team worked like a well trained veterans despite being formed not long ago. Then he glanced at Martin. Such leadership and planning, a very charismatic leader- is what he is.

"What? Want me to kiss you or what?" Martin teased, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous light making Bastian stunned for a moment.

He shook his head, mismatched eyes narrowing slightly before saying in a firm and slightly hoarse voice, -"Don't die. If you do, I won't bury you and only watch you turn into undead. Walking and drooling with a rotting flesh."

Despite his harsh words and cold tone, Martin still laughed. His warm gaze turned even brighter at the man before him. "Sure, I won't. But after this, reward me with a kiss, will you?" He smiled happily.

Bastian frowned, but he seemed to hear something thump inside his chest. He looked at Martin incredulously, what can a kiss do? It won't feed you nor help you in any way. He thought the man would ask him to earn points for a meal at the canteen. With a confused frown, Bastian simply glanced at the stupid fool before saying it out loud making Martin guffaw.

Truly, this man is a treasure! Martin thought.

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