Arc 1: Chapter 9

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[ Mission Task:

       1.Protect Martin Arden.

       2.Survive until of old age.

       3. Find the antidote.

Mission Reward:

  1. Skill (?)  2. 500pts.]

Worl Energy Level: F

[Host, the data gathered was insuficient. The main system's connection was cut off, however, the subsystem were installed with a program protocol that ensures the safety of the host, mission completion and mission rewards. The Main System was currently cleaning the glitches, it was unknown, When it will recover its function. The memory imprint of this world seemed to have faded due to an error, creating various loopholes and problems that the host may encounter. No complete explanation as to what phenomenon affects the worlds conscious trajectory. May host be cautious of dealing with the worlds fate. It may affect host's mental and spiritual body. Please proceed with caution.]

Bastian blinked. He felt incredulous by the sudden change of the Systems mission interface. From a little difficult to simply simple. He's already doing the first mission. The second one is a little tough, but can be accomplished. And the third one, is just too easy. He already had an idea where it was. Thus, he felt that there's really not much of a challenge.

He wasn't against the system, and he wasn't a masochist who'd look for trouble when he was already given a much easier task to complete.

However, it seems that he will be dealing with it blindly since no information were transmitted and saved. He glanced at Martin walking towards their vehicle, his back straight and he seemed aloof, however, the red tips of his ear already betrayed him infront of Bastian. Bastian felt like chuckling. He pressed his lips, biting the inside of his cheek to avoid the rising curve of his lips.

Bastian knew, he shouldn't feel this way. It was just a mission. He wasn't even halfway to the mission he needed to complete, and he was currently affected by this feeling called affection.  

Martin was simply a breath of fresh air. It caught his attention. It was wrong to be this greatly influenced by a person who will remain here. 

Although he knew, he still couldn't prevent it from happening. With a wistful sigh, Bastian followed along Martin. His deep gaze only following that slender silhouette, thinking, 'Since he needs to survive and live through this apocalypse, he still have a plenty of time to be with this person. He'd just consider it as his vacation, a vacation with a very amusing person.
















"Eusto, it seemed that that general Amadeus made a move. Thanks to your initial warning, we were able to avoid any conflicts. The report stated that the general ambushed a military group. Did you-

"It's fine. He wont die." Eusto cut off Allen's worried voice. He looked at the tall man beside him. Eusto felt like it was just yesterday when he died, carrying all the memories of his and his lover's death at the hand of that man. Such a terrifying and horrid man- General Amadeus. He fiddled with his hand gun, lips pursing as he thought of that bastard. "Martin won't die. They have no conflict of interest, the General won't harm him. Why are you even worrying about him? Aren't I your lover? Besides, Martin should've expected a little compensation to me. He left us on our own accord after he sucker punch at my face. don't you think I've been lenient?" Eusto grumbled, his anger rising again as he thought of that day. Martin, at that time, was still his boyfriend. Eusto must admit, it was his mistake and sin, thus he cannot complain even if he wants to. Martin discovered their relationship much Earlier, he caught the two of them kissing at the veranda.

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