Arc 1: Chapter 16

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Bastian fought crazily, every movement and swing of his Katana slashed down the nightwalker before him. He wanted to end it already, however, the nightwalker before him seemed to feel his agitation and impatience, and mocked him by dilly dallying their fight through cowardly retreat. 

Bastian gnashed his teeth, What an annoying fucker! 


Emergency Side Task: Save the mission Target
Reward: 0.5 Strength]

Bastian was stunned at first, then he turned to look at Martin's side. And what he saw made his heart jumped up his throat. 

There seemed to be something thrown towards Martin, however Martin looked hesitant to dodge. 

Bastian felt like seeing a very horrifying scene. 

He immediately gathered every ounce of his strength and raw power of his body in order to use a burst of power that will help him cross such a distance. 

This power came from the energy of his cells and tissues, thus, using it is equal to consuming one's lifespan. Despite that, there's no way he'd let the man die! 

He can feel the burn beneath his skin became heated, as well as the sound of his bones and joints  when he moved. His heart felt like exploding and his brain seemed to blanked out. All he wanted to do is save the man. 

With such raw power being accumulated, his body will surely be out commission after this. Still, its the only way he can think of. 

The moment he started to move, the nightwalker he was fighting appeared beside him, it swung its large fist at him. The wind generated by the punch almost felt like a wind carried by a freight train. However, Bastian merely glanced at it before swinging his Katana, he lopped off its head, before using its large body as a spring board to throw himself towards the incoming Axe. 

Bastian's fast movement only took a second, and was too fast to even caught by a naked eye. Within a few seconds, he appeared infront of Martin. Since his momentum is too fast, he cannot do the same as the heroes of the movies to save some heroine by pushing the heroine out of harms way. He can only throw his and use his Katana to deflect and change the Axe's trajectory. 

He raised his Katana, his fingers wound tightly around its handle. All the strength in his body goes with his fingers to his arms, then at the soles of his feet. 

The strength used to swung the Axe is so great, it created a crack at the smooth surface of the katana. Still, Bastian hardened his body to carry the force, and swung his katana to throw the Axe away on its targeted path. 

The gritting and screeching of metal against metal is so defeaning it hurts the ears. 

Bastian, despite using all his strength, was still thrown away as his katana finally broke into half. He was flung away and hit the side of the truck, used as a barricade at the side. The force of his body against the truck made a very deep dent on it. His body felt painful and his joint is aching. It was so painful that he lost his consciousness.

At the same time , The large ugly cut off head rolled a few times, before finally stopping. 

Martin was shocked by the fast happening around him, still, he immediately shook out of his stuppor and face the disarmed nightwalker before him. This time, it was finally easy to kill it. 

The accumulated damage from his earlier attack finally came to use. 

After killing it, Martin ran towards the slumped figure of Bastian. His body trembled from fear, as he realized the latter is badly injured. 

Judging from the blood coating his exposed skin and the clothes soaked from blood, as well as the blood dripping from the side of his face- Martin knew that Bastian is currently in a bad shape. He wanted to help the man, but he, despite being reborn twice, cannot really apply any first aid treatment since he doesn't know how grievous his injury is. In the past, all their injuries can be treated simply because it was just fracture. skin trauma or bone disalignment. 
Not like this! He doesn't even seem to know where too much blood came from since Bastians skin is thoroughly painted with it. He was also not moving. The only consolation to him is the fact that Bastian is breathing despite it being quite shallow. 

He felt frantic and panicky, what should he do? 

Suddenly, "Boss!!! Let me!" A woman shouted.

Hearing her voice Martin felt slightly relieved. "Annie, I'll leave him to you! Don't let him die!"

Annie nod her head. She immediately started. 

Martin knew Annie is a very skilled doctor, however, his heart remained in chaos. He will not be at ease until Bastian is fine. Still, he can't be idle right now. They were still in peril. Some of his comrades is already injured. He needs to help. Killing three nightwalker is not enough to turn the tide to their sides. 

And so with a reluctant heart, Martin joined the fray again. 

Annie became a doctor at the age of 28. And she became more procient during this apocalyptic time when it comes to treating injuries, be it skin trauma, or bone fracture, it's easier to cure. But seeing Bastian's condition, Annie felt grave. 

His muscles and tissues seemed to have exploded. There's no part of his skin which isn't coated with blood. His shoulder is disaligned and looking at the swollen wrist, she can concur that he needs a cast or sling in it. 

She immediately called for the other standby medic, and they helped with carrying him inside the van , designated as a mini hospital. She hastily did her job, her movements was smooth and the medic working with her worked harmoniously. Despite their team lacking a large number of people, the medical team still can do a better job compared to normal doctor. Thus, the division of labor helped lighten the heavy load. 

"Doc Annie, his condition is worst compared to the others!" A nurse gasp after hey finally saw the extent of the damage Bastian's body had undertaken. 

"How can his body deteriorate like this?!!" One male doctor also exclaimed. 

"We should operate on him!" Annie finally made her decision.
"Of all his injuries, the broken ribs is the most desperate for treatment. As a human with such a power regenerative ability, the rib bone will surely be stucked and puncture his lungs. Also, align his shoulder and fix his wrist."

"But Doc! We can't, there is possible contamination if we do that here. He may be infected, what with the nightwalkers and zombies here!" A nurse warned. 
They all knew what might happen, still Annie firmly shook her head. 

"We can't let him die! See his tissue and muscles? They are repairing by themselves, if we let it continue like this, he'll die even before he became infected. besides, he's powerful enough to withstand the nightwalkers. Aren't you underestimating his capabilities?" Annie retorted. although she knew what the nurse said is true. She can't just give up. He is a patient and he fought to save them. Also, by saving Martin, he also saved the hope of everyone. 

"Let's do it. Just kill him if he turned. What of one infectee." A doctor grumbled while he readied the needed instruments. The other medics also followed. 

Annie smiled. 

She then looked at Bastian, before saying- "You have to live. Fight for your life and we'll fight for your life aswell. You can't die. Not on my watch."






(Sorry for the late and short updates. My phone broke and I am currently unable to make some new drafts. It will be a little to long before I update new chapters since I can't buy a phone right now. )

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