Arc 1: Chapter 15

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The nightwalkers surrounding the part of the team in charge of its disposal moved so fast, only a few could keep up. The strength it possessed despite being made up of rotten flesh and bones is quite scary since just a single swipe of its large clawed hand is enough to wreck one of the vans park at the side of the road.

The formed teams tried their best, but looking at the current progress, it still felt quite dim.

Bastian ran towards one of the nightwalker. Compared to the first opponent he had, this one seemed smart and fast. The only good thing about is that, it was weak. It's strength, compared to the first one, is quite negligible but the downside is its fast movement and its hard flesh.

Bastian knew that one must know how to be cautious to avoid unnecessary problems when facing a much smarter enemy, thus he did not attack first. He moved against the clawed hands, his sword like Katana creating a screeching noise as it met the creature's hard skin.

The nightwalker seemed like a deformed human. Its body is skinny, and the flesh surrounding it seemed like a glued dried bark.

Its is hunched, and its face looked like a slowly disintegrating flesh. There's no eyes, nose and mouth- only black holes that seemed to corresponds to the original parts of its body.

It looked disgusting. It also smells disgusting.

As a young master who lived a relatively safe and clean environment, the smell truly made one nauseous.

The slightly mysophobic 

Bastian dodged as he felt the incoming blow, completely avoiding the rotten thing to touch his clothes, since it was too fast to the eyes to follow, he merely felt the wind generated from its movement. He rolled at the side, eyes filled with concentration as he tried to matched every attack with his own blow.

The strength of a human who had evolve is far stronger than a Normal one. He can now par against any of its swipe, as well as do harm to it despite the cut being small.

His problem is how to attack the nightwalker, fast enough that it wouldn't be able to attack him first.

Bastian felt like a simple swipe of his weapon is not enough thus he planned to use all his strength but it would also render him defenseless. 

He jumped again, then he slid left to avoid the feet coming down to crush him. His movement slowly getting fast as he finally had the gist of its movement. Despite it being smart, the nightwalker seemed a little impatient. It screech so loud

Bastian thought his ears might burst.

He continued to avoid and parried its attack, unable to fully counter. However, he patiently dodge and run around it, as he looked at its weakest point.

Martin fired his gun against the nightwalker in front of him. The bullet penetrating the hard skull, however it dealt no serious damage since the important part of its body is not its brain.

Looking at the thing in front of him, Martin felt that it was simply amazing how it is moving without any flesh on its body. It's mainly made of bones, veins and some skin. Except for its chest area , there's simply nothing on it. He can also see the writhing dark red brain in its exposed bone. It looked like son kind of worm or parasite attach to its dirty white skeleton. Its important organs, such as, eyes, and even the hidden ones were mainly held by the veins, since there's no flesh left on its body.

Martin aimed its chest after he changed the bullet into an explosion type bullet.

He steadied himself after dodging its incoming attack. The bony fingers holding an Axe slid smoothly against air, cutting a part of his hair, when its tip touched his hair.

Martin is a well trained soldier before the apocalypse, thus his movement is well organized and solid compared to Bastian who learned a type of Martina Art.

His movement is sleek and seeks the opponent to disarm. Still, the bone knightwalker holding the Axe can stand against Martin with ease. It was like trained soldier just like him. Seeing the explosion bullet heading on its most important and weakest part, it chose to deflect it by using the side of its Axe. Its other Axe on its left hand covered its vulnerable part atop its chest. The explosion threw the nightwalker against a nanny van, it screeched before it pushed against it and propelled itself by jumping to attack Martin. It raised its left bony hand holding the Axe to slash against Martin, but Martin still fired another explosive bullet, meeting the screeching night walker up in the air. The bullet exploded again, this time, the nightwalker cannot use the Axe to protect itself, however, at the last moment, it chose to throw its Axe, aiming to take Martin with it before it exploded into pieces.

The thrown Axe headed straight towards Martin, his lips curling in distaste at the attack. Truly, a soldier. Despite being turned into a nightwalker, the fighting style and guts of a soldier remained.

Each nightwalker have their own skills retained from their humanity. If they were men, then the skills they learned or the job they've been doing for the last days of their lives will be retained and used as their killing skill.

For example, a cook with great precision when using knife and cutting ingredients may be able to fight using its cutting skills.

And a soldier who's profient in melee weapon can fight head on using his special skills when he was still alive, will remain using the same skills, after he died and finally evolved into night walker.

Night walker is termed because they were active and more powerful at night. However, despite that, It doesn't mean they were unable to move in the day time. Its just that, they were a little bit slower, weaker and less dangerous than they were at night.

Simply put, the final evolution the undead/zombie should be after they turned into a nightwalker. It wasnt explained and it was still undiscovered if the nightwalker can heal itself and return to being human after its skin regenerates back.

Martin wanted to dodge the Axe, but if he did so, the Axe would surely hit the teams stationed as the back ups at the back. His face turned ugly as the realization finally hits him. The nightwalker wants to cripple the support team. And also, kill the weakest of them. Seeing the trajectory, the nightwalker aimed the non-superhumans. Judging from The strength and how the Axe was thrown, it will surely curve and annihilate the backup team without them realizing what hit them!

Truly brilliant!


"Damn it!!!"

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