Arc 1: Chapter 22

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The clean up was done especially fast.

The set up was finished already when Martin and the rest entered the building. They also finished checking the surroundings and were able to relax a little bit.

After the fight, Martin called all those who needed for the upcoming mission.

He then proceeded to explain what they have to do, what points and stations they need to mark and check, and what the objective is.

Each and everyone gave suggestions. But Bastian remained silent and indifferent.

He is currently checking the system.

(System, check the routes and scan the area.) He ordered, eyes still trained at the man standing at the front of the room.

[System: Checking Routes and Area Scanning Commence.] A mechanical voice echoed inside his head, before a map suddenly appeared inside his mind space. Bastian couldnt helped but be amazed at the 3D map laid before him.

He stared at the Blue dot, marking their location, and at the small red dots in the surrounding area. The number of small dots is not that large, and it was also scattered. With curious gaze ,  he imagined  tapping it with his fingers. Then, something like a hollow projection appeared from the red dot. It was an undead, despite it looking like a  rotting eggplant, its face seemed a little intact, thus he can clearly see the maggots crawling from its skin. It has protruding fish like eyes. Bastian almost trembled from his sit from the sudden visual stimulation.

[System: V1 type zombie: Common
Attack: 1
Defense: 1
Phase: Rotting
Ability type: None ]

Oh. What a game-like interface. Whoever made this system is truly meticulous.

(So the red dots are for the undead. Then what about it orange one?) Bastian ask,

The orange colored dot immediately pop up, revealing a very slender twig-like walker with a large head. It has insect like eyes and only has three claws. The skin is dry and it has long tongue, almost touching  the ground. It stood with a little hunchback, and it has a large hole on its chest.

[System: V5 type Undead: Night walker
Attack: 8
Defense: 5
Phase: 1st stage metamorphosis
Ability type: Hypnosis and Zombie Subordination
Level: Dangerous ]

Bastian almost choked at the information. The hell is with this. Its Ability if far stronger than he had expected, not to mention that it has controlled the three nightwalkers to attack them in such a wide range.  Looking at the distance  it seemed like it was almost at the end of the city. Most likely at the entrance the forest they were heading to.

It was only at its first stage, imagine what it'll  be after it had its final phase.


Bastian felt agitated at the thought. But he calmed his heart and thoughts, being agitated  will not help anyone.

He glanced at the other moving dot. It was red-ish orange in color. It was the escaped walker at the early encounter. It seemed to be heading towards the leader.

He then shut the system interface, and focuses at the meeting instead.

He cannot say anything directly regarding it. But he can give a hint.

With that thought he took a glance at Martin who semed engrossed with his lecture.  Thinking of what to say, Bastian felt like eternity to come up with any ideas.

"Now, as said, this point here is what we're supposed to go to. However, all the routes were blocked and destroyed. Thus, resulting  into a very limited planning and paths to take. You all are familiar  with the ways of the nightwalkers, as well as those low leveled undead out there, but this area is a never before searched and reported red zone, thus the information is limited as well. From what I have gathered so far, here, low leveled undead were just a sacrificial  pawn to those nightwalker, but these Nightwalkers seemed to be just a tool as well. The attack starts from here, and ends here. The call or signals were interrupted thus it does not attra t too much undead, but seeing the pattern, I think that we've  been targeted since the last nightwalker encounter. This smart fucker knew we were coming and it's  stopping us from moving forward." Martin took a deep breath, eyes Scanning each and every faces of his comrades. Some were his friends from the past while some were new. People who rely on his decisions  and trusts his judgement like they would a god. But he cannot promise them safety. What needs to be done is of atmost priority. Only he knows the horror of these nightwalkers, especially  those with the ability  to call their kind.   

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