Arc 1: Chapter 11

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Martin paused, he can hear the hostility and threat just from the man's tone. However, it wasn't aimed at him, rather it was at the image in the projection. He didnt know what to say. The sudden danger emanating from the man truly makes his hair stand as well as another emotion- excitement. Perhaps, he was expecting something from Bastian, a hint of remembrance or even just a glimpse of familiarity, his heart couldn't helped but leaped against his chest. But watching those mismatched eyes filled with coldness as time passed by without getting an answer, Martin thought that it was impossible. He shows no sign of it. 

Martin couldn't helped but feel sad. Perhaps, Bastian somewhat knew deep inside, just unconsciously. He took a deep breath, feeling the sudden tightness of his chest. He calmed himself, his tone casual and a little light, just to calm everyone inside the room. The others were clearly just as agitated, perhaps even thinking that Bastian will suddenly attack him. 

"It's from a friend. A group has already been sent at the first location, however, they were currently unable to gauge out who's to be trusted and who's not. A few days ago, General Amadeus finally made a move, however, they were unable to pry on the matters regarding the vaccine. My friend and his companions already set to this location." Martin tapped at his still connected phone, watching as the satellite zoomed at a very large city. 

"That's- " the group of people inside gasped. 

"S city. The dropped off point of a meteorite." Martin continued zooming, his gaze flickering at the screen to Bastian who now looked even more grim. "I don't know the exact details,but helping the team assigned to gather the essence means that there's a great possibility of discovering the vaccine. It was also reported that superhumans can finally be upgraded." 

The room suddenly exploded with murmurs of excitement and disbelief. Such a good thing, who wouldn't be excited? Think about possibilities, no more danger when dealing with the undead, the power can be leveled up. Although they were all physically strong, but who wouldn't desire for more. More power means they can protect their people. They no longer have to fear the unknown creatures lurking at their surroundings. They can fight unfettered and worry free of any possible infection. They can clear out the undead and nightwalkers without casualties. Such news is too good to be true. 

"Boss, are they sure? How exactly were they able to come up with something preposterous such as that? How can we be sure that it's worth sacrificing our lives for?" Anderson ask, his soft and mellow voice instantly doused them with coldness, seeping through their pores like a cold water would. They instantly shut their mouths.

"Boss, although it was truly a very good news, that place has a very high number of undead. We may be able to enter, but there's no guarantee of going out of that city." Rod voiced as well, the hotheadedness from earlier made him analyze the situation. 

He thought about what he heard about the S city before the apocalypse started. The city turned into hell the moment the meteorite fell. No living organisms survived. It was at first broadcasted how the city were destroyed, the satellites showed the impact and the damage the meteor caused, it was a devastating sight. But the problem didnt end there. The people started changing. They turned crazed faster than that of normal infection when they were bitten. The government tried to subdue and gather materials, but anything ran by technology and electricity suddenly stopped working, Gadgets and cars can't be used. It was like the whole city turned into ancient time. It became backwards. No machinery is can be used. Not even the towers. It is called the 'city of ghosts' now- a name derived from the fact that no one with living awareness lived. They all died and turned into something monstrous, something not human. Every team tasked to go there never returned. Truly, it was a frightening place. It can be said to be the place with the higher concentration of infected. A nest of dangerous creatures probably undergoing mutations that surpassed the humans abilities and calculations. Rod gulped, just imaging what is in that place made him tremble. 

"I know what you mean. I'll show you another one." Martin clicked at the other location. 

Just like Bastian thought, the place is at that mountain. The place where most high leveled nightwalker resides. However, it wasn't the exact location, it only showed the entire forest and mountains. 

"Boss. That place. Isn't that a very dangerous one too?" Anderson muttered. His tone somewhat helpless. Hearing this, the rest couldn't helped but nod their heads as well. 

Why is the boss showing them this dangerous places? Although they were all superhumans, and they all can protect themselves, they can still die. That place is filled with deadly plants and miasma. No one ever dared went to that place ever since the apocalypse changed it completely. 

"These two areas were both with High risk. But you see, we can't avoid such things forever. Besides, aren't we aiming to become stronger?" Bunny suddenly interjected, she took a glanced at everyone. Her tough countenance seemed forged by hundred years of suffering, but everyone knew, days or weeks can simply change a person due to their experience. All of them suffered greatly, however, a woman, like bunny, suffered more. 

They all understood. It cannot be simply avoided nor can they forget. They had to endure and forge ahead through this hardship the apocalypse had brought forth. 

The people, all tensed and solemn, inside the room nodded their heads. If helping the team who sent this coded message can help the restoration of this world's peace and the living things in it, then they'd sacrifice themselves for the greater good. It's not for theirselves but for the next generations to come. Perhaps, they'd be a hero, worshipped by the common people or a fallen, completely forgotten, it doesn't matter. Humans have short lives, one should not question how they die but how they lived. 

Heroically or cowardly, it's their own choice. They just had to become stronger, muster their courage and do what they must. They are a team. They trust each other. Trust built through hardships and horrid battles. Why must they fear death? 

Their hearts were still unsettled, but doubts were instantly cleared. They've always been able to survive, perhaps, they'd fight hard and hold on till the very end, or perhaps die and unable to return. Still, it's fine.
They'll muddle through it. Together. 

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