Arc 1: Chapter 29

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Walking back towards the others seemed a harder task to accomplish than fighting mutants and nightwalkers.  Martin felt like they're walking so slow, feeling like it's been hours since they've left after the fight.

As when walked, his back is ramrod straight, his muscles tense and his sapphire gaze followed the back of the person walking ahead silently. His lips pursed, his hands clenched holding the gun-emptied bullets. His dagger sheathed back to its holster around his thigh.

What can he say to ease the tensed atmosphere? Should he apologize? Although he was happy to be taken cared of and be the cause of the man's  worry, deep inside, he felt some grievances.

First of all, he wasn't exactly the only one always doing the so called self sacrifice. Secondly, he's a grown adult and has been to battle field through out his regressions, so a fight with that scale is truly not worth mentioning. He can do things riskier but he tried to control himself for the others. He matched his team mates and worked with them, limiting his ability to work independently. He always worries that his people can't keep up with him. As a leader he always has to think and take everything into consideration. He knows his limits, too.

But telling him is a no go. Probably someday into the future, but not now. Not yet.

[Host, Aren't you being too dramatic. The target is much capable than you and more experienced than you. He should be the one worrying about you, not the other way around. Don't you think so?] The system finally couldn't helped itself but voice it's thought. Seeing as its host continued to throw he's tantrum on the wrong person, the system felt a bit incredulous.

(System, where do you see me throwing a tantrum, hmm? Did I stomped my feet? Whine? Cry out my grievance? Have you seen me cuss him out? How am I throwing a tantrum?) Bastian scoffed in answer, his thoughts complicated and he couldn't put himself at ease. Why is he so restless? It's not like the man got wounded, or worst injured. He's safe and sound. So what's the problem?

[What a fart. You might as well stomp your feet and whine like you said. What's the difference of giving him the silent treatment? Aren't it the same? Just a different way of throwing your tantrum?] The system's mechanical voice bite back.

Although it sounded flat and robotic, Bastian can just hear the mocking tone that was hidden with its statement. It seems that it's human like characteristics is not merely his imagination.

(Damn... Where are you even learning to speak that way?) Bastian couldn't helped but ask.

[Based on my own research by observing the hosts surroundings, as well the people you encounter, this expression should also suffice. I had very carefully selected from the target's, Rod, Grid, Bunny and the others expressions. I didn't curse nor cussed. It should be fine.] The system reasoned systematically., finding no fault whatsoever on its deduction.

Hearing the systems bland reasoning, Bastian was speechless but still unable to come up with something to retort with. Afterall, he really felt shity not because of what Martin had done, but the very fact that he almost let the other got hurt. Regardless of the fact that he knew very well that the other is stronger than what he shows normally. Thus, what was he supposed to say?

With bellyful of anger, his mismatched eyes glared infront of him, not even minding the fellow following at the back. He would swing and slash his katana from time to time, clearing the path of mutant animals and plants attacking them.  His thoughts remained chaotic, but his actions is quite opposite.

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