Chapter 16

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Rachel POV :||

I woke up to the sound of the door creaking open. I look to where the sound had come from, expecting to see a nurse or docter. No, I saw Lana with a child in her arms. "Lana!" I whisper shout. She looks at me and starts to cry. "Oh, Rachel. It was pretty horrible. Cliff made me adopt his little brat. He even threaten to kill John!"

I look at the boy in her arms. He looks a lot like Lana, same nose, mouth, chin, hair, everything. "Lana, he looks a lot like you." I say, pointing at the child. "That's because I'm his mother." she says. I look at John, who was sleeping on the floor.

I'm worried. What if he'll get mad? No, Rachel. He won't be mad. He'll understand. "Now, about this Cliff douche. He can't harm you. He's in Life sentence for basically almost murdering me. You can pay some men to guard your gates, if that helps. And the boy. Just because his dad was Cliff, doesn't mean he's a brat. Just give him the love he's never had."

Adeline stirs in her sleep. I had waken her up. She crawled onto the bed, and went to sleep by my side. I looked around my room. Paul was asleep in an armchair, Ringo slept on the coach, John was on the floor with one of my extra blankets, and George slept by my feet.

I know this is every girls dream, but now that I know them, it's all normal. I never dreamed my "normal" would be with George Harrison and Adeline, and The Beatles. I smile, and run my hands through Adeline's hair. "Good Night, Lana." I said, before falling asleep.

Written By Chandler.

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