Chapter 25

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John's POV

She'd done it again and Adeline found her this time. Everyone went up to see what was wrong. She cut her wrists. I must admit, I felt bad but it wasn't my fault. Was it?

I think what set her off was us fighting, wouldn't surprise me if that was the case. But now she's back in the hospital, or as Lana says, Rachel's second home.

At first I didn't want to go, I didn't want to face Rachel knowing it was probably my fault. Heartless as it sounds. I almost didn't want to apologize. Now I see how Lana felt before, back when we were younger.

"John, are you coming love?" Lana asked softly, taking my hand in hers and trying to catch my gaze

"I don't know" I shook my head and sat down. George has already driven her to the hospital, it was just a matter of me and Lana driving out there again.

"John" Lana started as she stroked my hand and place another on my knee

"I know you don't want to talk to Rachel, I know you don't feel comfortable doing this again, and I know you're not a man of constant tolerance with the same situation, but we should go, we don't have to stay the night we can stay for a few hours and then leave" Lana's voice was soft and sweet, she was a comforting person. She always made everything better.

"But Lana" I dragged my words lazily

"No, John" She interrupted "let's go" She dragged me by the hand to the hospital.

Along the way she convinced me to apologize, but it wasn't going to be genuine. I don't care if Rachel doesn't like me, she doesn't have to. I wasn't put on this earth to please her and tag along to every attempt that puts her in the hospital. It wasn't going to be cheesy like "oh Rachel I'm so sorry will you ever forgive me" no I don't want that.

If she never wants me back in her life that's fine, more of a reason not to go to the hospital everyday. I don't believe in people. I just believe in me. And that's how I feel, unless the person is willing to feel how I do.

I'd say a measly sorry Rachel, nothing more. And nobody can make me. Not even Lana.

Written by Hannah

The Two Of Us (Sequel to Till there was you)Where stories live. Discover now