Chapter 19

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John's POV

Myself and Lana left the hospital with Aaron. I wasn't happy. But she didn't care. I know I said it before, all I want is for Lana to be happy but this is going to make it hard on the both of us.

We got in the house and she settled Aaron down for a nap. Then walked back down stairs and into the living room. She saw me and I looked at her, a few seconds later I found myself rushing out of the room after her and grabbed her wrist.

"We need to talk" I said sternly

She looked at me, I could tell she was holding back tears. I had a hard look on my face, I didn't want her upset. But this was something we needed to discuss.

"Why did you allow him to give you the child?" I huffed

"He had already filled out the papers, either way I was going to half to take Aaron in John, I had no choice in the matter" She replaced her willingness to cry with anger, though I know Lana, she could still burst out crying any minute

"We can't take Aaron in, we already have a baby on its way, we don't need the press digging into this story behind Aaron, they don't need to know what happened to you. I don't want you in that position" My voice softened

"We can't get rid of him John" She said as her sadness found its way back to her face

"Well Lana, this isn't something that's gonna come with ease" I said, my voice raising again

"I don't know what you want John, I never do! The least you could do is tell me what you want or how you feel, so I can actually understand!" She yelled, tears now streaming down her face

"I want you happy, this isn't going to fulfill you're dream of having a family!" I shouted

"You don't understand John! Can't you see that this isn't what I wanted to happen, but now he's here so we're just going to have to live with it!" She argued

"For bloody fucking sake Lana, you think I don't know that? You're going to have to talk to Cliff give the child to his girlfriend, I don't want him!" I yelled

Lana stopped and looked at me, a since of fear in her now watery eyes. I wasn't making this easy on her, if anything I was making it worse. Good job John, kill her why don't you.

"Just fuck off John!" Lana screamed and ran upstairs slamming the door harshly.

I grabbed my coat and got in the car, I'd just go back to the hospital until Rachel left tomorrow. Then I'd go see Cliff.

Written by Hannah

The Two Of Us (Sequel to Till there was you)Where stories live. Discover now