Chapter 24

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Rachel POV :||

I stayed in bed for days.

I had the blinds shut, so it was completely dark. I didn't eat or sleep, and I cried none stop. One day, I went to the bathroom, and looked at myself. My hair was all tangled and mangled. My eyes red and puffy, with circles under neath them.

I fiddled in my drawers for something sharp. John isn't helping either. He doesn't care that my baby died. He wouldn't care if I died. I found George's pocket knife, and dragged it across my wrist.

The blood flowed down my wrist, and I cut again. Soon, I had blood all up and down my arm. I heard John, George, and Lana arguing. I just cut deeper, and sobbed louder. I screamed, and sobbed. "WHY?!?!" I yelled, throwing the knife away.

The floor had a pool of blood, and I was in the middle. I curled into a ball, as the door opened. I don't care. Let them find me. "Mummy?!" Adeline screamed. "DADDY! UNCLE JOHN! AUNT LANA! MUMMY ISNT OKAY!" Adeline wailed, and ran to me. I closed my eyes, and sobbed.

Adeline can't see me like this. She shouldn't see me like this. "DADDY! UNCLE JOHN! AUNT LANA! HURRY! MUMMY IS BLEEDING!" Adeline shouts, shaking me. "MUMMY! DONT GO MUMMY! MUMMY PLEASE! MUMMY!" Adeline shouted over and over again.

"Mummy is staying." I sobbed. I felt eyes glued on me, and I felt my husband pick me up. "We are taking you to the hospital." he says. I squirm out of his grip, and walk away. All the while, I felt Johns eyes staring at me. Again, he doesn't care. He never has cared for me.

Written By Chandler.

The Two Of Us (Sequel to Till there was you)Where stories live. Discover now