Chapter 21

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Lana's POV

It was the next day after I had a fight with John. I was still in bed, under a deep depression state. I didn't want to talk to anyone, or do anything.

I slipped on what I thought was my glasses, but they were John's. His round granny glasses. Mine were thick box ones like I probably mentioned before, John has a pair like them which I wore everyone once. I slipped off his glasses and reached over to mine placing them on my face.

I laid on my side and sighed, looking at a picture of John and I on our wedding day. I was so happy then.

I herd the door creek open, Aaron stood there. In one hand he had a teddy bear, the other hand was rubbing his eye. He walked over to me and struggled at first but eventually climbed up on the bed.

"Morning mummy" He smiled

"Morning Aaron" I smiled back

"Where's John?" Aaron asked laying next to me

"I don't know love" I sighed wrapping an arm around Aaron

"Are you okay mummy?" Aaron questioned

"I'm fine darling" I pushed some hair out of Aaron's eyes and cupped his face stroking his cheek

"I'm going to be four soon!" Aaron exclaimed holding up for fingers

"Well you only turned three two months ago" I chuckled

"I'll be four soon though" He smiled brightly

"Yes, next September" I smiled, the door creeks open again. To my surprise, it was John.

He didn't look well, a bit bruised and battered. He had bags under his eyes and his hair was like a birds nest. He trudged over to my side of the bed and fell on his knees. Then he wrapped his arms around my stomach, holding me tightly. I placed my hand on the back of his head and stroked his hair, then placed another on his shoulder.

"John" I said softly

"Mhm?" John muffled

"Where have you been?" I asked

"the hospital, until Rachel when bat shit crazy on me, then I stayed the night at Mimi's" John coughed

"Why'd Rachel attack you?" I questioned concerned

"I told her about our fight, she went psycho" John sighed, I sat up and he climbed in next to me under the covers, continuing to wrap around my waist

"Oh John" I slid next to his face as looked at it, it was all scratched up, accompanied by bruises and a swollen lip

"I would've hit back if she wasn't a girl" John scowled

"Oh stop it" I chuckled cupping his face as I felt Aaron wiggle in between myself and John

"What about him" I asked, John looked at Aaron who looked up at John, sighing John looked at me

"We can keep him I guess, but I'm still talking to Cliff" John said, I kissed him softly then looked at him

"You're not talking to Cliff" I protested

"Yes I am" John kissed my head

"No John" I looked him in the eye and his sharp look did me no justice

"Find, but be careful" I sighed

"I will" John smiled

"Aaron, why don't you go play in your room for a bit" John smirked

"Okay!" Aaron practically jumped out of the bed and ran to his room

"what did you do that for?" I asked

"Because I want you all to myself" John smiled grabbing my waist and kissing my deeply, I loved John's kisses I never wanted to break them, though somebody knocked on the door

I tried to wiggle out of John's grasp but he held be tighter

"John" I laughed

"It's probably just a salesmen" John mumbled kissing my neck

"No it could be important" I chuckled giving him one last kiss and getting out of bed, I made my way down the stairs and opened the door.

There stood Rachel, George and Adeline. With hopeful faces.

"Hi" I said casually with a yawn

"You wear glasses?" Rachel asked

"always have, nice to see you waking again" I winked

"I suppose" Rachel said adjusting her crutches

"Come in then, I'll be with you when I put on pants" I said running up to the room.

Written by Hannah

The Two Of Us (Sequel to Till there was you)Where stories live. Discover now