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"Are you ready for the unknown?"

Those words echoed in my mind, like a cave the words rang on ever crevice of this human body. It was like there wasn't even a soul in the body I was in now. My human form was uncomfortable and heavy, like I was heaving around a giant human puppet. Or may be it was because I was so used to being able to fly around heaven by now.

I felt a hand on my back and turned around; there standing in the doorway was a tall man his hair was combed back giving him an air of authority. On his lapel there was a single pin in the shape of golden grain. He walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder. His gentle gaze landed on me, calming and sweet.

Loving, that's just how Gabriel was.

"No." I said before turning to him, I straightened his tie and pushed back a strand of my ( hair color) hair. I needed to get it cut soon. I reached up wrapping my arms around his neck. He smiled; his hands going to my waist. We stayed there swaying for a few minutes before I could muster up the courage to press a kiss to his cheek.

"Of course." I hummed. "Are you ready?" I asked pulling away and reaching for my white jacket on the chair behind me. Gabriel sat down on the bed leaning on the headboard. He moved away his jacket to make room for his feet. We didn't bother to clean up from the night before. Both of us were to tired after entertaining the bride and groom from sneaking out to see each other.

Turns out it's a lot harder to convince the archangel's that there was a life outside their work-acholic routines, especially for Michael. He was having a hard time balancing his seraphim and Archangel duties while helping out with wedding planning. He was the one who needed the night off the most, but Gabriel and I realized in the first hour that he rather be at home drinking wine and reading a book.

Gabriel checked his phone and then turned to me.

"Of course I am, I'm excited for them." I stuck my tongue out at him before I walked into the bathroom. "Jealous much?" Gabriel shot me a smirk. "There's nothing wrong with being jealous." He laughed. I walked into the bathroom changing into my clothes for the wedding. I had to scoff. I wanted to be the ring bearer. But it seemed as if Raphael aligned the job with Joan.

I found myself laughing imagining the shocked face Joan must have had when Michael proposed that she gave the bride and groom the rings. "What are you laughing about?" Gabriel asked, I poked my head out and adjusted my coif and brushed down my clothes. "It's nothing, I'm just happy." I ducked back into the bathroom and glanced at him through the mirror watching him toss his phone on the bed and pout at it. I felt my heart falter as I watched him. I watched as he played with the grain pin from his lapel.

"Why are you so jealous? Sad Michael is getting married and all of his time will be spent fawning over his new bride?" I said, Gabriel huffed at me. "By the way can you pass the crucifix Raphael gave me?" I held out my hand and Gabriel placed the heavy cross into my hand. "I'm just jealous that he's getting married before me. I always suspected he'd get married after me. Not because I'm eager to get married to a beautiful person." His eyes flashed to me for a second but he turned his back to me and coughed into his hand. "But I am jealous of the fact that after thousands of millennia he actually had the balls to ask Raphael to marry him."

The big cross on my chest felt different from other crucifix's but Raphael gave this to wear especially, I didn't want to disappoint him. I straightened out my periwinkle clothes under my coif and walked over to the dresser pulling out a rectangular box. Inside was a silver stole Raphael wanted Gabriel to wear to the wedding. I handled the stole in my hands and reached over Gabriel's shoulders to wrap it around his neck. His face was warm with a blush and I pulled it up with my hands pressing a kiss to the corner of his lips.

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