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Gabriel tried reaching for her but her flailing leg kicked his wrist, he winced but still continued to risk his own safety to catch Rasazy, even if it meant breaking a wing or two. But no matter how fast he was going he just couldn't keep up with the pace of her falling. Gabriel tried his best to catch her ankle tugging on it harshly. Rasazy screamed in pain and the force of her voice pushed him back. Knowing her mistake Rasazy's hands went to her mouth and her eyes slowly drifted shut as she fell closer and closer to the ground.

"Help!" I screamed out feeling tears obscure my vision. What would I say to Sarvente? To Ruv.

To Selever.

Selever cared about Rasazy the most. What would happen if he found out we let her fall to her death like that? He would be furious. He would be disturbed. Alone for the rest of eternity. That's why I hoped, begged for a miracle person. To just swoop from the heavens to save her. But at this moment in time. It was already to late to risk a rescue. She was to close to the tree line and flying into a tree could break, damage the wing beyond its normal repair. Gabriel would have to live without wings until the other archangels could evaluate if he should get new ones.

Suddenly there was a flash of black feathers that flew past me. The mass shot down and in miracle timing. Catching Rasazy from out of the sky, I recognized the black bleached feathers almost immediately and started crying.

Azrael heard my cry for help.

The host's wing caught against the tree and snapped. I flinched at the sound but Azrael didn't seem to care at the moment. Or he was in excruciating pain. But still, refused to let anyone know. His arms wrapped around Rasazy's head preventing Rasazy from hitting the trees on their way down. Azrael held her body into his chest chest covering her with his wings to shield her body from any stray branches that could have scratched or impaled her. Azrael landed on his back with a tumble before opening his broken wings and moving them.

He hissed in pain before he looked at Rasazy. There was something in his blue eyes. They were wide. Almost as if they could roll out of his head he looked both scared of Rasazy as if he would drop her just because she was a demon but he didn't and curious to get a closer look at her. He stood up ignoring the way his wing pulsed and dripped with dark oozing mercury blood.

Azrael gently pushed hair out of Rasazy's face and cupped her cheek examining for any cuts from their close call with the tops of the trees. His examination went further when he noticed Rasazys cold hand. His eyes shown worry over the girl as he lifted up her jacket sleeve to check her pulse he didn't care if it was a demon. It was a helpless child. To him it didn't matter. Happily to him it was still beating. His hand retracted for a second before he continued to check her body. Azrael laid her down gently under a pomegranate tree and held her ankle, his eyes were perplexed and he took off his glove to place his hand on her swollen ankle. Azrael's hand glowed a faint purple as he neared. Azrael paused and looked at her before gently touching her ankle. Rasazy winced in her sleep and Azrael rubbed her head as a reassurance. He took his hand away and placed his glove back on before unbuckling his utility belt and slinging his once tucked coat over her, smoothing it out gently. As if any touch could harm her more. "You-" he stopped and swung his body to face us.

I descended with Gabriel followed by Hope and Bao. Gabriel hissed grabbing his wrist Bao placed her hand over it gently healing it before sending him off to thank Azrael for the quick save. But as he neared Rasazy, Azrael's head swung towards him and he shielded Rasazy with his broken wing. As if saying "don't you dare think about passing through." His wing drew to his side a bit and we could all see the pain in his face as he moved it.

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