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I faced the question and thought about it to myself before turning to Metatron.

"With all due respect your clarity. I don't think I was responsible for Sarventes reformation at all. All I know was that I am the one successful nun of my knowledge that Sarvente trained. I believe in her heart she accepted me as her sister. Even though I was lowly human then." I looked up at the archangels, some were taking notes others sat on their clouds judging me holding regal poses as I spoke.

"However, I formed a mother-child like bond with Sarvente throughout the year I had stayed there. You see your clarity I lost my mother and Sarvente took me into her arms and gave me a home. We saw each other every day, and she looked after me as if I were her own child. Caring for me, disciplining me, coddling me when I was sad." I said, trailing off about Sarvente. "But I believe that if anything triggered her sudden reformation it was the thought of being separated from her family again." I said, Metatron smiled down at me and beside me a cloud shifted and became a hologram of Sarvente in the light.

She stood at attention her dress was covering her feet modestly. "I was there when our sister pleaded her case to the almighty father." He said, the cloud started moving next to me. Sarvente's hand went to her chest and she started bowing her head down towards the archangels. As if she was admitting defeat. I faced her and stood to the side, above me some of the archangels stretched out of their seat to get a closer look. "I don't believe this. How can a lowly human cause such a destructive force like our sister to ever come back to us?" Ariel snarled.

"I believe its a wonderful accomplishment." Sophia said, Jesus nodded his head in agreement. "I agree sister Sophia." He said, suddenly all the other archangels attention's were on me and I felt like I was about to be cast out. Jerahmeel spoke next. "I want to see what Samael said to the almighty father." He said, Metatron moved his hand and Sarvente began speaking.

"Almighty father." Sarvente held up her halo to the sky. "Your child comes to your feet and pleads forgiveness for all the sins and misdeeds I have done." Everyone watched intensely at the figure as she spoke. "I ask for you to turn your back to all of the hurt I have caused humanity. All the hurt and destruction my armies and commanders set upon human kind. And hear your child's request." Metatron filled the empty space with God's words. "Rise my child, come, tell me why you're crying." There was a pause and Sarvente stood up. "I feel pain father. I have experienced the pain of losing a part of me as they escaped into your heavenly arms father." Sarvente's eyes were filling with tears. "And now I can't find the strength to continue on like this. So I come to you father, after learning my lesson, begging you for forgiveness and asking you on hands and knees to allow me back into heaven." The halo Sarvente held up to the heavens returned to her hands.

Metatron spoke again and gestured to Sarvente; "My child, you've sculpted a wonderful specimen of a saint, but your own creation turned from your own grasp and flew into my arms." Metatron said, the halo landed back in Sarventes hand and she looked up into the heavens confused. "So you won't do it?" She asked falling to her knees. "I never said that silly child. Rise." Metatron's hand went up and she stood up. The rest of the archangels were pulling apart their clouds watching in anticipation as if this was the single most unbelievable thing they've ever seen. Sarvente stood up and she wiped her eyes with her sleeve. "You are my child, I made you with the clouds of the universe and breathed life into you. To think the call of death would hurt you like this; I can see how hurtful this lesson's ending was for you so I will allow you back into my arms in the realm of heaven to you and your family. However it's time to come back to heaven now. It is time to mend the broken seams of our families." Sarvente wiped her tears away and the cloud disappeared into the sky.

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