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The next morning I woke up, my mind buzzing with thoughts of Rasazy and Azrael, she hadn't come home last night. I tugged at my shirt and twisted my body tossing the sheets over my cold body. My thoughts went to Gabriel and his trust in Azrael. When had that start occurring? I sighed reaching out to the sleeping figure next to me smiling when it reached back gently caressing my hand.

"Good morning." I spoke and the figure peeked it's head out of the sheets. "I must have lost track of time, I'm usually awake before you." The deep husky voice said before his hand poked my nose gently. "Do you have work today?" I asked watching Gabriel stand up and open the blinds, I quickly tossed the blankets over my head and scowled. "To bright."

"I have some work but it shouldn't take long." He said, I felt the bed dip gently and a kiss on the top of my head. "I'm sure you can find something to do without me for a bit yes?" The weight on the bed left and I heard the closet opening. "I'm going to go make breakfast, if we're lucky Selever didn't blow up the kitchen." He joked with a smile on his face.

After what felt like an hour I braved the cool floor rolling off the bed and onto the hard wood floor with a huff. When I stood up I tossed the bed sheets on the bed. I would fix it later. I walked over to the window staring out at the beautiful scenery outside. I opened the window gently and took a giant breath in watching the grass on the front lawn move in the wind.

It was a long time since I experienced a calm day. With that breath I walked down to the kitchen, Gabriel was there cooking breakfast with a smile on his face. "Where are the demon children?" I asked and he chuckled. "Still asleep, Rasazy's over there on the couch." He pointed with the spatula. I walked over to see Rasazy laying upside down her hair tangled in a mess of knots one  shoe on one of her feet. I smiled and pulled her back up on the couch before I sat down with Gabriel to eat breakfast.

We chatted with each other about the day before heading our separate ways. I looked up at the Tv figuring I'd watch something only to be disappointed with anything that came on. Beside me Rasazy was still fast asleep this time I tossed a blanket over her and took her last shoe off setting it down beside the door. I tapped my foot in anticipation and huffed out. There wasn't anything I really wanted to do and bothering Gabriel as he worked didn't seem to be a good idea at all. He would always have time later.

With a sigh I tugged on a pair of shoes and unlocked the door, maybe spending the day outside wasn't such a bad idea, I could water the flowers or head over to Raphael and Michael, do something to get my mind up and running, even a jog sounded good right now.

When I stepped out of the house I looked up into the cosmic sky around me, swirling with dazzling stars and galaxies from my spot I looked deeper into the darkness only to find it staring back at me-

"That wasn't there before." I said looking at the giant eye blinking through the cosmic latte sky. I walked over to the flowers watching them dance in the light before walking over to a bulging flower swallowing a squirrel. I stood up coughing into my hand. "Well... That's certainly... Intriguing." I walked back into the room only to find Rasazy standing on the ceiling drinking coffee. "Mornin'" She said in a British accent, I felt the coffee spill on me. "Good morning Rasazy."

Suddenly she was seated on the couch in a red dress with a red veil over her eyes. I looked between the two before reaching for the one in red but someone stopped my hand from reaching her. In a darker red suit Azrael walked past me and lifted the veil and Rasazy's face became a gaping hole. I gulped and looked into it falling into an endless portal.

When my eyes woke again I was stuck against a pin board watching Selever and Rasazy play darts. Selever threw a dart at me and I swung to the side narrowly avoiding the dart and skipping away. A foot came crashing down on me and I felt my world go blank until I was sitting on Gabriel's desk smaller than a ballpoint pen. In his hand was a quill that came to a stop.

"Hello honey." He smiled down at me and poked at my tiny face with his huge finger. His face looked way more sadistic than I remembered as he squeezed me in between his hands and set me free on the desk. "Don't be so scared darling." He said wrapping up the paper and stuffing it back in the desk. "Now hold still." He tried catching me with his hand narrowly avoiding it. "Don't fight me." He huffed and suddenly in a cloud of smelly smoke his angel wings turned into devil wings and I started crawling away, down the desk and into a mousehole.

I fell into the dark abyss and transported down into the garden of Eden. I coughed when I realized the pattern on the ground was checkered and a giant white pawn was heading towards me. "Checkmate Selever. I have you cornered." Gabriel said from above me. The ground started shaking and I heard a nasty growl. "No fair! Again!" The pieces were set back up and I was caught in a war between Selever's pawns and Gabriel's knights. The horse rushed out and cut at Selvers knight and I heard Gabriel chuckle from above me as he moved his queen to corner the king.

"Checkmate again nephew."

The board was turned over and I felt my world go black again scratching my head I felt the pounding headache in my mind. Gabriel was above me wiping my face. He pointed at Selever angerly. "So you're telling me you threw an edible in (Y/n)'s food? I have half a mind to tell your mother."

"Do it! You wont!" I looked up at the colorful world and shook my head. 

"I, I smell colors."

APRIL FOOLS! Don't worry everyone! I'm working on the next chapter, I've been really busy lately so I haven't been able to write at all so I'm going to start right away. I want to thank you all for reading and hope you like this! It's pure chaos MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

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