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The light was shining down on Raphael.

Around his head was glimmering circlet with a golden cross in the center, a curtain of glowing stardust falling like an unending waterfall dripped from the crown as he made his way out from the doorway. His silky white tuxedo accented the golden waterfall of a veil around his head. Behind him was a glorious flowing cape attaching to the back of his epaulettes. It dragged along the floor. In his hands was a group of beautiful flowers all aligned in a bouquet.

When the white cape dragged along the ground flowers grew out of the floor. Beautiful peonies, penstemons and periwinkles, rhododendrons dripping morning dew, alliums with blue cyanus' and astilbes. The whole church was filled with beautiful scents as he approached. Rasazy stopped beside me continuing to sing as Raphael made his way up the stairs to Michael.

Michael reached over to Gabriel taking a handkerchief out of his hands and wiping his eyes. I bit my lip and smiled when Michael fidgeted in front of his future husband. Raphael made his way up onto the altar and Michael brushed away the stardust, the dust flew into the sky in tiny glimmering sparkles. Everyone was able to see his blushing freckled face and his orange eyes. Everyone was silent when Michael's breath hitched and he dug his face into the handkerchief weeping into it happily. Raphael took a moment to bring Michaels head up and wipe away his tears.

Sarvente appeared on the altar smiling at them and opening the bible to a page looking in between the two of them waiting for Michael to gain his composure before she continued.

"Dearly beloved, today we come together all gathered under the light of God to celebrate the union of Raphael, the archangel of healing, and Michael, the archangel of protection." The two grabbed hands and looked deeply into each others eyes. Raphael's blush grew across his freckled cheeks like a rose in bloom staring up at his future husband.

"The bible; Peter 4:8; tells us to continue to show our love for one another, to love each other deeply, to hold love with us, to have our love with us, that love will overcome a multitude of sins. And so today, these two souls present now come to join together. If any person can give reason to why these two shouldn't be together speak now, or forever hold your peace." I looked around at the guests and spotted Jerahmeel raising his hand slowly almost as if he was making a decision on the spot. Sarvente's eyes turned red and his hand slowly went down letting the wedding continue.

"And now the vows."

Michael looked into Raphael's eyes and breathed out a sigh before speaking. "Today you make me the happiest man by agreeing to share every moment of your life with me. To share your hardships and your strife, as well as your happiness and joy every single day. I promise to love and respect you, to care and protect you. To be there for you every single day of our lives. I promise to be honest, to never keep you in the dark about my whereabouts and my troubles ever again. I was used to the idea of forever long ago, my thoughts lied on the battlefield protecting what's right, protecting justice in the light of the lord. But now my idea of forever lies in you hands, waking up every day next to you, protecting you and our family."

I felt tears come to my eyes and my eyes scanned over the crowd. Selever was staring up at the two of them his eyes filled with an unknown emotion. But there were tears falling down his cheeks as he stared on. I couldn't tell if this was a happy or sad occasion for him. He wiped his eyes and looked to the ground. Ruv placed a hand on his shoulder and he wiped his face clean. I smiled towards him even though he couldn't see my face. Ruv held up a handkerchief and wiped the tears off his face before pointing up leading his attention back to the wedding in front of him.

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