Black Capped Chickadee

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I took a deep breath and stood up trying to push the thoughts of the possibility of my soul probably being Changping. I gulped. There was no way right? I looked at my Gehu and my face went cold. Could I be? No it had to be someone else. He barely interacted with me during the incident with Rasazy.

I felt my heart warm at the idea of Bao and Azrael sitting down for tea and chatting with each other. He did let Bao do her work and he spoke to her gently. It would be hard to say he wasn't enamored.

I imagined Hope and him climbing a mountain and holding each other at the top around Hopes neck and wrists beautiful jewelry. He was also listening to Hopes scared screams when she was being chased. He could have realized it was her and his husband instincts kicked in.

It couldn't have been Gabriel right?

I blushed the thought of Azrael playing his violin for Gabriel on a bright night in Venice on a boat ride through the city and I felt my face heat up. Trying to ignore what that said about me I thought about it seriously. He did chide Gabriel. He was worried over him and the consequences with Sarvente when he found out. He could have been worried about more about Gabriel and the fact he almost broke his wrist.

Then there was me.

I shook my head. There wasn't anyway physical or mental connection I ever had with Azrael. He was awkward to talk to. I took a deep breath and pulled out the list. Hoping that work would keep me busy before going to talk to Gabriel. It wasn't that I was afraid of telling him. Gabriel was accepting. But I can't imagine his reaction to the options. He might be shocked I included him.

I mean... I can't single out anyone... Now can I?

When I went home that night Gabriel was waiting for me in the kitchen cooking as per usual. I looked up at him and sighed. "What's on your mind love?" He asked, stirring the pot on the stove. I looked over at the dark stew and then to Gabriel. The way his hair moved when he walked seemed to absorb my thoughts. "Nothing." He hummed before following my gaze to his hair. He combed his hand through his hair. "Sorry, I didn't get to brush it well this morning. I know, Joan usually scolds me about it." I shook my head. "No, I was, just thinking." I said I stood up from my seat and walked over to him wrapping my arms around him. "I love everything about you." His eyebrow raised and he pulled back.

"You speak as if you're going to be leaving me soon. What's going on?" He asked rubbing my face with his thumb. "I don't know what to think anymore." He reached over and held my hand tightly. "If you want to reflect, then let me be your mirror." I hummed and wrapped my arms around his neck. "My reflection is quite handsome." He laughed and pressed a kiss to my lips before pulling away and turning his attention to the stew. I walked back over to my seat and continued to stare at him as he finished up.

"You don't have to wait. Go ahead I'm listening."

"So I went to go brief Azrael and something weird came up." He put the lid on the pot and then turned to me. "Why? What happened?" He asked. "Well I found this pretty drawing of Changping on his desk today and I though it looked really pretty." Gabriel lifted the apron above his head and sat down next to me. "He has a bunch of drawings of her around his office. I'm surprised you just saw her now." He said. Gabriel saw how confused I looked and wrapped an arm around me. "Come on. Tell me what weird mystery thing Azrael said today." I looked at him and he smiled at me. "It can't be to surprising, not like seeing him rise from the ocean with a few dozen pearls for Changping and giving birth to the legend of Aphrodite. That was a crazy Friday morning."

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