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"(Y/n) pay attention. This is crucial, I need to know if this is to much for you to handle."

I stared at my healing hand, wrapped in brown gauze a contrast to my white uniform, the black splint that held my hand went up my arm and latched onto my elbow. I squeezed my hand and winced at the ache. Raphael and Bao had both offered to heal me up, but I found myself hesitant, I still wanted to feel the pain, I wanted to remind myself that I could still feel pain, and moving on wasn't easy. Even if I had support, healing still stung, and it would take a long time. I ran my good hand over the broken spot on my other hand.

I wanted to remind myself of why I couldn't run back into Gabriel's arms.


Shaking my head before looking up at Azrael. He stood at attention looking out of the window at the world below him. On his desk was a few instruments for tuning his violin. His blue eyes turned fixated to me. "Can you complete the gatherings for the day? Michael wants all the archangels to be there for Sarvente's assimilation and I don't have someone to pick up the slack for the day shift." He flipped through a few pages.

It was a beautiful lie. 

Every archangel had their own saint or second in command ordered specifically to accompany them. Especially to a big event like this. It's not every day someone from hell becomes an angel. Azrael was just doing it to spare my feelings. He didn't want some fiasco to happen if Gabriel caught sight of me, or if I caught sight of him. It was a way of protection. I felt moved but I didn't want his pity.

"I can come with you, I'm sure I can get someone to fill in my place for the day." I said. Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Rasazy walked in. She had been coming almost every day, reporting to me about Selever and her mother and father, it seemed like everything was brighter when she was in the room.

"You're not letting (Y/n) go to the assimilation? The archangels all agreed to let Selever go." My ears perked up. "He's here?"

"In the flesh baby." He was dressed quite nicely in a crimson coat and dark pants, a dark black tie was around his neck instead of the dark black ribbon I was used to seeing. But what caught my attention was the golden cuffs on his hands and ankles. "I thought you were bound to Earth?" He shrugged. "Raphael came down to tell me that I could go to heaven for a day to see my mom become an angel. Turns out it's a huge family affair. What about you? You're not coming?" I sighed and looked at Azrael.

"I don't think it's a good idea." I scratched my broken hand ignoring the pain as I scratched over my knuckle. "Is it because of Gabriel?" Selever asked. My breath hitched in the back of my throat and I nodded. "But (Y/n) is part of our family just as much we are. It's unfair." Rasazy said crossing her arms. "You should be able to come to see mom earn her wings." I looked at Azrael and he shook his head. "Fine, but they owe me double time after the ceremony."  Azrael said giving into Rasazy's plead.

Rasazy hummed and hopped up to sit on Azrael's desk propping open a book in her hands to read as we talked. "(Y/n), what even happened between you and Gabriel?" Selever asked. I looked at my hand and took in a shaky breath. "There's no reason why you shouldn't know. I think all of Heaven knows by now." I told Selever the story and his eyebrows knitted in worry as he looked at me and then to my hand, behind me Rasazy was reading over the passage in the dark book again. Her eyes skimming the words. Azrael was writing down names of people on a list and arranging his office taking the time to tune his violin as he listened to the tale again. This time his eyes were captured by something in the room.

Volare con gli Angeli | ••Selever••  Book TwoWhere stories live. Discover now