Conspiracy's of White Ravens

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Sophia P.O.V.

I arrived at the hall of protection, Eros falling into my step behind me.

"Princess. It's late I'm not sure master Michael is even here." He said arranging the quiver of arrows on his hip I hummed. "My older brother and I have something to discuss." I said reining in my wings so he could see my face. "Does this have something to do with the wedding proposal for the future king?" I took a left and he followed. "It does. And I need a word with my older brother about his choice in convict."

"Princess, does this have to do with your anger over master Gabriel?" Eros asked pushing up his glasses. "It depends on if Michael is willing to work on this with me." He nodded. "And I have a hunch he's going to help me." Eros kept up with my pace as we narrowed in on a large door engraved in blinding light. Joan stepped in front of me.

"Halt, who goes there?" She asked. "Archangel-" I was interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Michael looked at me with his black eyes and then to Joan and Eros. "Let them in Joan." Joan bowed her head and opened the door for them to step in on. Michaels office was nothing sort of huge. They were surrounded by giant books and cases, files on different demons and angels among them. I floated my way over to his desk eyeing Raphael as he flew down from one of the many shelves in Michaels office.

"You didn't bring your little assistant?" Raphael slid a book down on the desk and Michael picked it up scanning through it and setting it down to the side. "That would be inappropriate." He said. "Is it because you finally suspect her too?" Raphael turned away from me confirming my suspicions. "Now that Gabriel is in a state of distress, I am concerned what the initiator is planning." Michael spoke lining out a timeline and a map of the kingdoms of Heaven and Hell.

"We know that they had access to Samael's halo. But that could be putting all our second in command's in the light, and it might drive the armies nuts if we have a full interrogation of them." Eros stepped in. "If I may." Michael stood to the side letting Eros stand in the middle of the desk.

"My archangel sent me on a mission for the last week to find the exact location of the wings of Samael, and her serpent." He pointed to a section in hell. "When I arrived there the princes of hell greeted me outside of the chamber. When I made it past them with a heavenly seal the prince of wrath spoke up about the serpent and the halo not being there."

"That's strange, you saw all the princes at the chamber gates?" He shook his head. "The prince of lust wasn't there, only the six. But they were out of it. As if they had been woken up from some long sleep. When I questioned them, they couldn't answer where the serpent or the wings disappeared to."

"The halo has such a heavenly presence it's hard not to sense it as it left the circles." I said. "But with the serpent with it, it nulls the effects almost completely, we put the serpent there to protect and diminish the holy light of the halo from anyone daring enough to take it. It was an agreement we made with my sister." Michael said. "Could it be both were removed at the same time in a manner that the halo's heavenly presence was masked completely by the serpent."

"That explains the small serpent we found at the beach the one with the yellow cross on it's head. It's a sweet thing." Raphael said. "I gave it to Sarvente for safe keeping." Eros nodded. "That theory could explain it, but if the serpent is really the underworld serpent then it should have been ferocious if it meant chasing the halo. On one account the serpent grew wings like a Ophis Pterotos. Or some kind of winged serpent to fly into the sky to eat the perpetrator." Eros said.

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