Until The Clouds Have Parted: Part 1

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The silence reverberated through the holy room, no one daring to speak for a second. Even Michael was uncomfortably shifting from foot to foot, waiting for someone to say something. Anything. And then like a knife Gabriel spoke.

"Rewrite it." Gabriel ordered with gritted teeth.

I looked back at him with a gasp. "Gabriel, but what about our future?" I asked, I didn't want to loose him. I didn't want to hate him. I didn't want to be on opposite sides having to fight him. The Azure angel nodded and brought out a bottle of ink and another scroll out from the desk, slowly ripping the one in her hands apart. The thought hurt. "No! Don't!"

"(Y/n). Stand down."

"Why do you want to do this! Have you considered how I feel over this?"

"I'm rewriting the future for you!" Gabriel shouted his anger lashing through the heavens. "Don't be mistaken (Y/n)." He murmured taking my hand. "I want to be with you, I've jumped through hoops to be able to have you, but you don't belong to me." He slowly slid the ring off of my finger. "But in my fight to have you, I took you away from your glorious destiny." He hunched over and squeezed his eyes shut. "I just wish I had known sooner."

I wrapped an arm around Gabriel's shoulders hugging him to me. "Then just leave the present how it is. I need you Gabriel, and you need me. Please, just think it over more. Please." I felt Gabriel relax against me and mumble into my arms.

"I've never met a human like you." He said. Michael placed a hand on his shoulder but Gabriel swatted it away. "Brother, please escort my wife and company back to my house? I need to go run back to the almighty father and tell him of the news." Michaels face was grim but he nodded anyways. "Thank you." He said. I watched as he took the copy of the present and flew into the heaven.

Michael groaned and pushed me away. "Don't get in the way of Gabriel." He ordered. "You may be his wife but everything he does is for Heavens sake." He said. "I'll say this bluntly, you married a prince of heaven, fourth in line for the throne, he has a duty to his subjects that is higher than his duty to you." Michael said with gritted teeth. "Though I understand the want to protect your wife, we archangels have to put safety of heaven into account first, even if that means we can't have what we want."

"I know that."

"If you know that then you would let Gabriel change the past."

I growled and stomped my foot cracking the floor below me. "I will not take that from you!" I said. "What will happen to heaven if he doesn't?" I laughed. "Did you hate the thought of me joining the ranks or something? I never heard you complain!"

"Gabriel could die!" He grabbed by jacket pulling me until I was eye to eye with him. "My family could fall and the world with it into ruin. How will you act when the past is already set in stone. Will you be able to look at Gabriel when his wings have been cut out of his scapula?" He asked and I flinched back. I didn't want to think of it. It was too hard to think about right now. "Do you want to be the reason why Gabriel won't be able to see his family in the clouds? Or you for that matter?" He asked. "Hypothetically if that were to happen, what will you do? How would you be able to fix things?"

I closed my hands over my ears. "Stop it!" I cried. "I don't want to think about it." I cried. "I just want to be with Gabriel, I don't want anything else?"

"Love has diluted you." Michael murmured.

"Archangel Michael." I heard the voice of Joan say out of the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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