Spix Macaw

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I blinked my (eye color) eyes open. I moved my body and winced at the ache in my hips and back. I rolled along the messy bed dragging the sheets over my shrewd body. I was cold and aching but I wasn't upset about it. In fact I felt good, I felt amazing, laying in bed naked like the day I was born smiling like an idiot.

There were tiny bits and pieces of the headboard still evident on the bed. Gabriel had grabbed it halfway through and ended up breaking it apart in his fear of being to rough with my body. I giggled to myself brushing the pieces of the head board away. It was the last thing I needed to worry about. I turned and the bed groaned under my weight. The middle of the mattress sunk a bit and I came to the conclusion that the bed was torn apart if not completely broken. I sighed.

I just came back home and we already committed multiple acts of destruction.

I rolled over more and felt two roaming hands grab at me holding me close to a warm chest. Gabriel groaned and held me to him by my waist. I tucked my head in the middle of his neck and wrapped a leg over his waist feeling the soreness in my back I bit my lip. Gabriel hands massaged my back gently and I leaned into the grasp pulling myself up to kiss my husband.


I liked the sound of that.

"Good morning." Gabriel said in a raspy voice pleasing my ears, I hummed. "Are you aching?" He pressed his hands to my waist rubbing circles into it and I felt a surge of energy pass through me as his hands healed me gently. "A bit." I murmured smiling. "What are you smiling about?" He turned me over and looked me in the eye. "Nothing, just reveling in the fact I can kiss my husband in the mornings without consequences now." Gabriel chuckled. "We need to get the bed fixed." I mumbled he fell into the bed beside me.

I found the sight of his bare body even better than I ever imagined. Toned, handsome, and sculpted seductively in all the right places. I could imagine a whole fan club of humans who loved Gabriel crying.

Their misery made me smile.

Because if I was the only one to see him stripped uncovered from the clothes that hid all the muscles and tantalizing moments in private then my lips are zipped. Because unfortunately for them it's all for my eyes only.

I moved the sheet over his hips finding my face blushing in a bright pink gaze. Gabriel held my wrist and looked into my eyes teasingly. "Am I distracting you?" He asked and I nodded. He licked his lips. "If I keep looking at you we wont leave bed at all." I huffed. He directed my face towards his and kissed my lips gently.

"Then imagine how irresistible you look right now. If it were up to me, I'd keep you here." He said his sultry voice whispering gently into my ear. I turned to him tracing the scars along his chest and kissing him. I moved hair out of his face and bit his lip gently enough for him to let out a small groan. I propped myself up on my arms running my hands through his hair and his eyes turned dark as he looked at me running his hands along my waist. I ran my hands up his chest hearing a small groan from my husband. His gaze focused on me. It was a look I recognized almost immediately. I bit my lip trying to hold in a chuckle.

"(Y/n) let's make lo-"

I pressed my lips on his and swung my legs to the side. "I need to shower." I smirked his way as he glared at my back harshly.

"(Y/n) (Last name), you did not just blue ball me."

I shot him a smirk and walked my way to the bathroom. "I didn't know you angels had the concept of blue balls." He shot up from the bed with a glare intent on chasing me." Don't make me come over there darling." I laughed swinging my hips before disappearing behind the door. It was a simple bathroom with a shower and a sink. It was really made for one person at a time. I slipped into the shower letting the warm water drip down my body falling to the blue tiles below me.

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