Baya Weaver

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Hopefully this tune will make this chapter more bearable. And have a quick drawing. (Look at the bottom if you can't see it.)

Gabriel's hands held onto my waist tightly before they moved to my hands. He pulled me away so he could look into my eyes. I felt so happy in that moment that I ignored his dreamscape of an expression. His expression turned towards the lanterns as they flew past us into the night sky like beautiful little stars.

"Gabriel?" He hummed. "I'm just... Thinking." He admitted. "You prepared for this right? It's lovely." He smiled but there was something in the way his eyes glazed over. "I admit I'm a bit embarrassed." The grip on my hand was tight like he was afraid of letting go. I saw it as a way of keeping me close forever and squeezed his hands back.

"Everything is perfect, the scene, the evening, the way you look so happy." He said turning his smile to me. "I never really thought I'd see the day." He shakily sighed. "People fell in love and married around me, it's surreal to think this is happening." I raised his hands to my lips and pressed a kiss to them. "So is that a yes?" My eyes sparkled in the night as I ignored Gabriel bringing me in close and kissing my lips gently before pulling back.

"I want to marry you. But..."

"I'm sorry."

The two word pierced through me. "I can't be your husband." He pulled back. "There are events in my life that make it impossible for me to marry you. Free will is not one of them." He reached for my cheek but I pulled back and his hand was left gaping in the air before falling to his side. "Is it because I embarrassed you in front of your family by joining the "outcast's" principality."

"You know that's not true." He spoke up. "You have never shamed or embarrassed me." I felt tears come to my face. "You don't belong to me (Y/n). You never did. And I continue to hold you back from being true to the right man. I never want to hold you back from the things that you might want in the future. The people you might love." His eyes closed and his halos stopped spinning.

"You weren't supposed to say that." I cried wiping tears from my eyes. I felt my heart break all over again. "Why couldn't you just show your love for me?" I whined falling to my feet. I poured my heart out and suddenly my heart was given back to me. No matter how gentle the rejection was, it hurt.

"You didn't let me finish." Gabriel said he gulped and backed up. "It may be selfish but I can't for the both of us. One day, you might find that my arms are like a cage and you are unable to be happy with me. And I will feel hurt the day I let you go." He turned away from me and his wings sprouted from his back. "But I know even if your heart will shatter into a billion pieces you're strong enough to keep going. So let me be the strong one now." His eyes turned a bright blue and I was suddenly unable to see his crimson pupils.

"Please, let me surrender you to the world." There were golden tears coming out of his eyes.

"Please, know you aren't shackled to me living an unsatisfied life. From now on, you can find peace in the freedom of the world without being restrained."

With that he flew away like a dove in the breeze. I watched the better half of me fly away to far to reach now. I screamed in pain into the ground feeling my heart constrict like no pain ever before, feeling tears come in waves. My lungs hurt, my legs felt to swollen to move, my arms scrambled around me trying to keep any feeling of warmth close to me. My wings shot from my back and dozens of feathers fell to the ground dropping around me in a circle.

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