Of Owls and Keas

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I sat along the table twisting open a bottle of salt and closing it digging my finger into the seasoning and bringing it up to my mouth, my mouth watered as I stared at the paper in front of me, a few pieces of paper in a long sustaining work load. I wondered how Gabriel could do it without getting bored. I brushed aside the stray salt that fell on the page when suddenly a hand came out and grabbed it.

"The obituary of Lisa White?" I recognized the voice and smiled up. "Nice to see you too demon boy, what are you doing on this side of the cloud?" I said taking the paper away from him and reading over the paper again before writing my name on it and setting it on the separate pile of papers beside me. "I got bored, Mom is busy with work and Ruv's overseeing this operation for an archangel. I was figuring to go visit aunt Ariel and play with her dogs but I don't want them to bite me." He huffed. "Well maybe you should find a crowd that fits your interests." I said setting my pen aside.

After our week long vacation everyone took to the clouds getting back into work and finding adequate ways to spend their time. But it seemed as if it was hard for a few of us to get back into the swing of things especially after riding horses and picking berries all week. Gabriel still had a bunch of strawberries that he was planning on making cake with and Rasazy was looking forward to getting some fresh ingredients and learning how to properly cook for herself. I felt like I was getting left behind again.

"I'm sure there's a special angel job you can do. You got a good voice maybe you can sing in the choir." I suggested. "And be one of those dopey angels who sings about God and stuff? Sorry babe, I rap." I rolled my eyes. "How about helping Jerahmeel in the Alyssum. He always needs extra hands and you can meet new people." Selever turned on me and huffed. "It's to peaceful there, there isn't anything to do."

"Why don't you just hang out with Julius, you two are friends right?" Selevers face contorted as if saying. "Touchy subject, drop now please." I let it be and fixed up my papers. "Well I already finished my hour job of helping out Azrael." I said setting the papers aside. I was upset with how much stuff he was giving me assuming it was because he was hanging out with Rasazy all the time. I messed with my pen and looked over at Selever.

I was shocked to say the least, Rasazy was the least likely person I could have ever thought of in a royalty setting. I couldn't imagine her in a red sedan getting carried from beautiful palace to beautiful palace. I just couldn't see how some princess with some hidden trauma actually ended up becoming Rasazy. The idea just didn't sit well to me. And in a way that was my fault, I didn't really know to much about her, just the basics and a bit more. I felt like that was something I was supposed to know.

"Are you, you know, weirded out that Rasazy is an ancient Chinese princess who married the archangel of death?" I asked Selever and he looked at me before sitting down beside me. "I mean, yeah, it is kind of weird in a way, but I never really had time to just sit down and think of it. Believe me I don't necessarily like the fact that she was once married to Azrael, and that he probably wants to continue having that relationship with her. I mean she is to young and I don't really see her and Azrael you know... Getting together." He said. "As much as it would probably make her happy it's something that is a bit unsettling, I mean, I still want to bring Rasazy to meet our parents in the cannon universe but I can't really do that now can I? I have a feeling that Azrael will just keep her in this dimension." He shook his head.

"It's whatever, I'll figure something out later, when my mind is clear of everything else." He said. "I wish there was someone who I could go to, that could tell me the future." I heard the sounds of feet coming down the stairs and turned. Gabriel was adjusting his collar and tie slipping on his jacket. "Hey, I have to head out today, turns out there was an accident in the hall of  Wisdom." He said. "Oh okay." I whispered. "What happened?" Gabriel shrugged his shoulders. "All I know is that there were some important documents that caught fire." He said tugging his shoes on. "What kind?" Selever asked.

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