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Michael looked away from everyone as if he was embarrassed almost upset. I looked at Gabriel and his eyes pierced through my entire being, they were harsh and dangerous as if he was angry for Michael. Everyone around us was chatting back and forth about the disappearance of Jophiel from the wedding. I stood up and walked over to Michael placing a hand on his shoulder. His face whipped up to look at mine before. I gently rubbed his shoulder and Raphael reached into his tuxedo pocket for his star pendant just in case Michael became goo in front of everyone. "Let him go for now, it's your special day, we can always deal with him later." I said.

"Indeed. What is a happy wedding if the groom is sobbing over a missing guest?" A smooth voice said. I looked over my shoulder a dark haired man with bright blue eyes looked on. His wings still present and retreating into his back. "Forgive my late appearance commander." He said quietly, walked over to Michael and placed a gloved hand on Michael's head. Raphael was frozen in his seat and everyone started murmuring to themselves as Michael's shoulders slumped down. As if all the present pain and strife were taken away in a second. "There we go. No need for pain on a happy day, yes?" He said, suddenly Azrael's watch beeped and he excused himself from the presence of all the other angels. "Forgive me, but that's all the time I have for the happy couple this evening, death doesn't stop." He said in a hushed voice. He waved to Metatron and Metatron gulped pulling out a piece of paper from his uniform.

The lights dimmed onto Metatron and he started God's speech for Michael and Raphael. I turned my eyes away from the seraphim to look at Azrael, he walked towards the exit to the tent, I reached into my pocket retrieving the purple stone in my hands I started to run after him but Gabriel's hand pulled me back. "Be careful." He whispered to me before letting me go. I ran after Azrael the stone in my hand. When I got outside of the tent I spotted Selever leaning against a tree looking up at the clear sky. He was holding a red rose in his hand holding it up to the universe before his hand fell down knocking against the tree gently as if his whole existence was hindered and he was trapped to the ground.

I reached out for him from where I stood but I shook my head. I had to catch up to Azrael before he escaped even further away from my grasp. I ran over to Azrael before his wings could sprout out from his back again only to get knocked over when the black feathers hit my face. Azrael stopped in his steps and turned to me. "What's this?" He asked shyly, kneeling down to help me up. His eyes glowed in the darkening light. Beautiful shades of blue striking in the form of sharp slanted eyes. The eyes that knew every possible secret of the universe, eyes that have seen and stricken fear into innocent children and adults alike. "Forgive me archangel Azrael." I stood at attention and saluted to him but he waved me off.

"Is there something you need?" His voice was soft but still as commanding as Gabriel's could be when he was serious. "I wanted to give this back to you, sir." I said I pulled out the violin bow from my pocket and handed it to him. He took the bow and it started glowing a light purple. In his other hand he summoned up his violin. He plucked a flew strings creating a calming music around us. His eyes scanned me and he smiled.

"Does the idea of life after death fascinate you, child?"

His hands were dancing along the strings of the violin tuning the instrument till it made a shriek as the bow slid down the strings. I watched, hands behind my back. I bit my lip and faced the archangel in front of me. The way the bow gleamed against the light. The way it came together with the music. I thought about it.

"Yes sir, but in all due respect, what part of death isn't fascinating? It's mysterious force. That takes people of all ages and scares even the healthiest of men." He stopped playing and stared at me. "If I told you that every secret is revealed by the hand of death would you still be willing to associate yourself with me?" His face was unreadable mysterious as he opened his hand holding the bow to me as if he was forming a deal with me. I took his hand. "I don't know, archangel Azrael." I shook his hand and he handed me back his bow. "I understand that you probably don't want to do this. Death can be just as ugly as truth." He said. I looked at the bow and when I looked up Azrael was gone.

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