American Avocets

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I was surprised when I saw him smiling. Was Bao his Changping? I felt my chest rise and fall the tension in my shoulders leaving immediately and turned to look at Gabriel. He followed my gaze and breathed out a sigh of relief. He made his way over to me slowly reaching for my hand when there was a large horn interrupting us and people began exiting the floor. Gabriel and I were pushed away from each other but in the last second Selever fell back against the ledge.

I watched as Gabriel grabbed his wrist pulling him up and leading him out of the way of the oncoming crowd. "I'll take him to the table." He said kicking Selevers feet off the floor and tugging him along towards the table. "Hey! I can walk!" Gabriel stopped in his steps and dropped Selever skating a circle around him.

"Fuck ass." Gabriel chuckled lifting a hand to him helping him up. "Come on Selever. Bend your knees." I laughed and skated towards the table. Sarvente waved us over and I sat beside her. "Isn't this fun?" She shook my shoulders. I smiled and nodded. "Fun for some of us." Ruv pointed at Gabriel and Selever.

"How the fuck are you so good at this?" Selever asked. "God damn it." Gabriel placed a hand on his face. "Selever! Bend your fucking knees!" Azrael let out a chuckle as he watched. "They're quite chummy." I huffed. "I think Selever is trying to get used to it. Well the best he can. They've made some progress. Dare I say a blooming friendship."

"You are insufferable! Kick off!" Gabriel yelled. "Don't tell me what to do! You're not my mother!" Gabriel faced Selever and breathed out a frustrated sigh. "Sarvente! Tell your son to bend his knees." Sarvente turned around. "Selever bend your knees." Gabriel smirked at him and Selever bent his knees. "Incoming!" He yelled pushing Selever forwards. After bumping into the table with a loud bang Selever sat down beside me.

"No respect." I rolled my eyes and turned to Rasazy catching her squinting at Azrael inquisitively as if she just experienced a wave of Deja vu. But at the same time the way her mouth stretched back in a scorn frown, being both confused and disgusted. Almost like how Ruv stared at his vodka bottle after finding out Sarv drank it all. Like she was holding back from saying anything. She opened her mouth but I interrupted before a mean comment could make it out of her mouth.

"Having fun Rasazy?" Her head turned to me swiftly. "Yeah, it's fun. I'm enjoying myself." Her eyes went back to her hands and Bao smiled down at her. Gabriel squished himself in on the other side and Bao moved her leg over Hopes to make room wrapping a hand around her waist. Hope scowled but there was a light twinge on her cheeks. In a split second it wasn't there. As if she just brushed it off like dust on a book.

There was a large yell coming from the intercom above us. Gabriel rubbed his head when he heard the shrill siren in the middle of the rink groaning. Suddenly the intercom went on and the angels shifted uncomfortably in their seats. Then the loud whiny voice resounded. The woman yelled into the microphone and Azrael looked so close to bringing the person on the intercom to meet their maker. The intercom resounded a little quieter the next time. The woman called everyone down for red light, green light to win prizes.

I looked at Gabriel and Selever. "You two go!" I chimed. Rasazy leaned over and tugged on Selevers jacket as if begging him to take her with him. Gabriel looked over and helped Rasazy out of her seat. Azrael huffed when she climbed over him before standing up himself. "I wouldn't mind playing as well." He said. "It's a chance to show you how fast I am on my feet." Sarvente cheered. "Lets make bets!" She reached into her purse and pulled out a tiny airplane sized bottle of alcohol. Ruv picked it up surprised. "Where did you get this?"

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