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I turned my head to Gabriel. The red lanterns around his head glowed a bright red hue onto him. The by passers stared at him as he sent them on their way to be checked by Jerahmeel and Jophiels angels as he walked past me towards Jerahmeel leaving the other souls in the Alyssum in awe. Some girls and boys were dressed in beautiful Chinese dresses, others were watching from their seats at a restaurant trying to get the full details of why a multitude of archangels were there. Something I was wondering too.

Gabriel walked over to Jerahmeel irritated. "Jophiel said there was a fight, I thought I would have had to take care of some big fight. But it seemed Jophiel dramatized the problem like always." Jophiel sat to the side thorns growing from beneath him. "Shut up." The thorns pointed Gabriel's way shooting at him and wrapping around his hand moving up his neck and pushing themselves onto the crown of his head. "It was a problem for me!" Jophiel said pointing his finger. He gasped at the way the thorns dug deep into his skin. Gabriel ripped them off, nonchalantly ignoring the burning pain and rips in his uniform. His halo spun around dripping star dust on his wounds healing them up quickly.

The cut thorns wrapped around and made a crown and Gabriel tossed it at Jophiels feet. He picked it up and it grew into beautiful roses reconnecting to it's original vine. Jophiel pressed a kiss to the middle of the rose and it turned the vine red. Jophiel smiled at them and turned to Gabriel. "Well now the problem is solved, just go hang out and watch the lantern lighting." He huffed. Jerahmeel picked up a lantern with little grains of wheat on them and Jophiel followed suit.

I watched as he caught up with Jerahmeel his dove like tail swinging side to side along the fiery phoenix tail of Jerahmeel as they walked down the street talking and looking at lanterns. I turned back to Gabriel. "Gabriel-" I watched him start to open his wings. I watched as they obscured my vision of him. I backed up into the line of the restaurant watching him fly away. I felt my heart ache.

I loved him so much, but seeing him fly away without me by his side. I brought my wings back into my back and started walking down the street trying to keep up with Jophiel and Jerahmeel. When I saw them they were picking out clothes from the Alyssum crafters. Jophiel was so happy the flowers hugged the clothes to his waist. Jerahmeel was just focused on the dim sum he was eating as he and Jophiel went on about their night.

Watching them dance familiarize themselves with the culture around them suddenly made me feel alone. I wanted Gabriel here with me, but it seemed there were just some things on his mind at the moment that I shouldn't pry in on. I sighed out looking at the setting sun in the distance. The people around me were chattering happily as I made my way down the street. My body gradually cooled as the night set behind the setting clouds bringing out all the beautiful stars. I thought of the way Gabriel would wrap his jacket around me when we occasionally stayed out training late and my body was cooling off in the fringed air. The way his eyes glimmered in the setting sun. The way his hair blew back and forth in the wind like it was moved by some celestial wind. Or like how clouds occasionally shifted in the air.

I curled closer into my wings hoping they would bring me warmth during my walk. I looked at happy couples purchasing lanterns together snuggling into each others sides so close that their silver halos were in the way clinking against each other in an effort to get untangled. I curled into the light the lanterns were emitting, they changed colors as Jophiel passed some were green others were a brilliant red others were a charming purple covered in orchids. I made my way through the crowd faster and faster till I bumped straight into Jophiels back.

"Sweet Michael the Archangel!" He turned to me angerly and the flower petals around him turned black and brown falling to the ground in a dramatic fashion. I shielded myself with my hands just in case his thorns would come out to attack me but they stayed by his side like slithering snakes unmoving but slithering silently around his hand. He waved them off when he saw me. "It's you, the human." He opened his hand to me and I grabbed it standing up. Jerahmeel ran over with his lantern checking to see if I was alright before settling beside Jophiel.

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