White Feathered Ruff

152 4 32

Gabriel P.O.V.

Months and months started passing like days and I sat in the same place every day wondering what my life has become, letting the work pile up and up. There was to much of it. More than I could ever count. But I couldn't pick up my pen and start writing my name on the prayers. Answering them to my fullest ability. Not without having a purpose. I sighed and rubbed my eyes trying to ignore the pain in my chest.

I slammed down a stack of papers on my desk biting my finger and staring at the stack. It would keep me busy for the next few weeks. Thousands of prayer work I had been neglecting to do. I picked one off of the top when Hope walked into my office.

"Yes Hope?" I asked writing my name on the paper and placing it on the other side of me in a finished pile. "Just here to deliver the prayer work for today." She came in with a large box and stacked it up on my desk. I sighed when she came in again with more paperwork. Box after box till my room seemed flooded with papers. I had to clean up, I was a mess.

How was I going to move on unless I made strides to better myself without (Y/n). But it always seemed that when I was with them, my work was always on time, I didn't have boxes among boxes to sign and read, I sighed out and rolled up my sleeves. It's not called overtime for nothing. I sighed and started working.

I spent eight days and nine nights working on getting every piece of work done. My hand felt broken as I reached for a cup of whiskey pouring myself a decent amount before relaxing in my clean office. For a second I put down my glass telling myself I could get a drink with (Y/n) at home before I realized that if I did go home, no one would be there to share a drink with me. The house would be empty and there wouldn't be one thing there to remind me that the cold living room was once warm and living, the kitchen was once bright with laughter and the bedroom was quiet and comforting. Just thinking about it, the living room would be desolate, the kitchen would still smell like our last meal together, and the bedroom would be cold and unnerving sleeping in the same bed this time alone.

I saw another stack of prayer work papers appear on my desk and I started to get to work. Each one seemed to get blurrier and blurrier and eventually I fell against the desk, tipping over my whiskey and falling asleep right in that moment.

I fell into a white void dropping into a white sea of mixed visions of the future. Warmth surrounded me and I dripped through a filter wiping me clean of any impurities and dropping me gently onto solid ground. I walked through the white room my heels clicking against the floor as I moved. As I moved there was someone in the distance they were dancing in a circle or at least they were moving in a circle. Like a music box. The future never played so somber and pretty music. It was like leading me into the center of the vision.

As I neared closer the figure came into view. Playing with a light song the figure started dancing around the circle, their beautiful lace train attached to a belt on their hip, glistening white pants replacing a dress but the lace train moving along with them acted like a skirt behind the figure, the bodice wrapped around their chest and the lace sleeves made it seem like their body was traced with different intricately placed diamonds and white gem stones. On their head was an appearing crown with beautiful red rubies, their earrings were little lanterns matching a beautiful lantern necklace drifting tiny lights as they danced around the room. As if they were dancing with someone.

They looked like royalty, suddenly the figures face came into view. (Eye color) eyes, and ( hair color) hair styled in a bun, way to long to truly be (Y/n). I saw with my eyes as the figure sat down in front of a vanity. Sophia stood behind them her hand extended down (Y/n)'s hair placing a veil on their head, their hair grew into a bun clean and beautiful, but their face looked nervous and apprehensive to whatever Sophia was doing.

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