how many years has it been 💀

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hey uh, it's december 2021  and i was looking at my wattpad account  and wtf. WHY ARE PEOPLE READING THIS? WHERE DID YOU GUYS COME FROM? I MADE THIS IN LIKE THE 6TH GRADE and i still never made a sequel. Well- so you see...i really don't have an excuse other than i have school to do and because i'm lazy. 

but please why is this so popular????? I'm so tempted to like, rewrite this but i just don't feel like it

edit: i've come to the conclusion that maybe i think it's bad because it was from a 2-3 years ago and i've "improved" over the years so it's easy to spot mistakes. Idk i just get second hand embarrassment but thank you for 172k reads. It means a lot and i'm happy this is doing so well :)

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