Chapter 22

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Memories with Sasuke came rushing through his mind as if he was never going to see Sasuke well and happy. Every memory has come...even the bad ones

Naruto just sat there not wanting to fall asleep. He wanted to be able to do something so that if Sasuke were to give out, he could be there to at least say his goodbyes. Naruto clenched his fist in anger.
'Kiba and Sakura...they'll pay!' Naruto thought as he just grabbed Sasuke's hand and held it tightly. 'How could some car wreck take his hearing away?! How could it put him in a coma?! What did he do to deserve this?!' He thought. 'What the hell did he do to deserve this!!!' He thought as if he was screaming at the top of his lungs. Soon Itachi came back with his and Sasuke's and Narutos parents. Minato and Kushina went over to Naruto.
"You're not hurt are you?" Minato asked and Naruto shook his head 'no'.
"So what exactly happened?"  Mikoto asked
" did you let Sasuke get like this?" Fugaku asked
"Fugaku! This wasn't Narutos fault!" Mikoto said as she elbowed him.
"Then how did this happen? Maybe Naruto should've been in Sasuke's place!" The elder said
"Listen here Fugaku! My son has cared for your son like your son cared for mine! If I were you, maybe you shouldn't always jump the gun" Minato said with anger
"Okay but—"
"Enough" naruto spoke out. "Shut up...I'm right here y' you want to know what happened or not?" The blonde asked and everyone stayed quite.
"Sasuke is like this because of my foolishness...if I had know that they weren't going for me but him, I wouldn't have left the car. I should've been the one driving. I just wish I could go back in time too fix my mistake..." naruto said as he couldn't cry anymore. It was like he cried all his tears away.
"What do you mean by they?" Minato asked
"Sakura and Kiba...they were released from jail and I guess they still hated me..." the blonde muttered
"They're behind this?" Itachi spoke out and Naruto nodded.
"So your saying my son is like this because of two people that hated you?!" Fugaku raised his voice. Naruto trembled. He wasn't used to getting yelled at, including from Sasuke's dad.
"I-I mean...w-when you put I-it th-that way..." naruto stopped
"I don't want to see you near Sasuke again...if this continues, you'll just put my son in have to break up with him...or when he wakes up at least" Fugaku said in anger and Naruto clenched his fist. Naruto wasn't just going to let Fugaku not let him see Sasuke again. That's just wasn't right.
"You think I can control what happens?! Let me tell you this mister! Sasuke used to be one of the people who put me in danger! Now I don't know what he's trying to do! All I know is that he loves me and would...and he would do anything to keep me safe!" Naruto cried. "This one time, he protected me and you know what he said?! He said 'my body just moved in it's own'! Now he'd give his whole life for me! I'm not controlling anything that he does" and there it was...his tears finally fell. The blonde was no longer that ray of sunshine but the gray in the clouds.
"Father...get out...your not helping in this situation...for all I know, it isn't Narutos fault" Itachi said and Fugaku growled as he walked out. Kushina and Minato just stood next to Naruto as he was sobbing uncontrollably. Mikoto followed Fugaku out but before she did, she told Naruto that everything was going to be fine.
"Hey I were to avenge Sasuke, would you let me?" Naruto asked
"It depends how—"
"By killing" naruto said instantly
" couldn't possibly think about doing that! You could go to jail for this!" Kushina said
"The police probably hates them...I'm pretty sure I could get by..." Naruto said
"Naruto...sweetie, you know this isn't a good idea...what if you get killed in the process" Kushina said
"As long as I kill those two, I can die in peace...even if I die in the end. So before I'd go out and do what I need to do, I leave a note for sasuke but I'll also talk to him...he doesn't deserve this so I'm going to destroy the people who do..." the blonde said
"But what if you do come back?"
"Then I guess making a note wasn't needed"
"But do you think Sasuke we allow you to do this? I mean he wouldn't want you hurt—"
"I'm pretty sure Sasuke would do the same if I were in his place..." naruto said in an instant. Naruto really wanted revenge and it wasn't just for this time. It was for every single time they had hurt either him or someone else.
"What they had done was barbaric and it cannot be forgive. At least I can't forgive them and I usually forgive everyone" Naruto slightly smiled.
"Um...why don't you let the police handle them?" Kushina tried to reason with her son. She never liked those two but she didn't like the idea of her own son killing people
"Me and Kushina are going to go. over Naruto. He's probably not going to leave this place and I know you probably won't either so watch over him" Minato said to Itachi.
"Don't worry. He'll be in good hands" Itachi said.
Once Narutos parents left there was a long pause of silence
"Hey Itachi. Teach me how to fight" naruto said to break the silence
"But you know what your parents said—"
"I don't care what they say! I want to avenge Sasuke and that's that's" naruto said sternly
"Well since there's no stopping you, there's this organization that I work with called the Akatsuki...maybe me and the others who are in the group could help you" Itachi offered and Naruto nodded.
"Take me to them...or whenever we can at least"

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