Chapter 24

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I grabbed my katana and out in my black clothes. Now to find out where they are. Where would they even be?
Oh I know...where they would be at...

Naruto walked to where he thought those two would be and he was correct. Naruto silently approached the building and entered without and trace that he was there. Naruto started to look around until he heard what was probably Kiba yelling.
"He's not dead?!" Kiba yelled "why am I just hearing this now?! The car accident was two months ago!!" He exclaimed.
"Kiba this isn't my fault! We have to keep our distance from stuff and you know that!" A voice said that's a probably Sakura.
"Whatever..." he sighed.
Naruto clenched his fist.
'This was it. This was the time to do it. There right there. Right in front of you' he thought. Naruto then quite turned off the lights in their room and knocked both of them out. He then took them to a room and tied them to chairs just like they had done to him.
Once they woke up, they found themselves blind folded. Naruto sat up and walked up to the two.
"W-Who are you?" Sakura asked as she heard footsteps.
"Who do you think I am?" He asked and then it clicked.
"Uzumaki Naruto Eh?" Kiba said. "You getting revenge? I highly doubt you could do anything though" Kiba smirked. "Must be tough for you eh?"
"You don't know shit!" The blonde yelled. "You don't know how it feels like to wake up every fucking morning just to know that 'Hey, your boyfriend is deaf and is in a coma'!!" Naruto cried out in pain. Yeah he knew he was emotionally destroyed but he didn't think it was that bad.
"Just fucking die you fag. Your such a disgrace to your clan—" right then and there, Kiba blacked out but more like died on the spot.
"Your next" Naruto clenched his Katana and put it near Sakura's throat.
"No...plea—" she couldn't finish. Naruto couldn't keep his emotions together. He just wanted them...well dead.
Once Naruto disposed the bodies, he went back home to change. Once he got home, he went straight to his room, changed his clothes, put his katana away, then put his clothes in the laundry. He then went to the hospital to go back to Sasuke's room. As Naruto went in, many nurses had surrounded Sasuke.
"What's going on?" Naruto asked
"We are currently treating him right now. There's nothing to worry about. All you need to do in wait" the nurse said as Naruto waited.
"Did you do it?" Itachi asked from behind. The blonde turned around and nodded.
"Yes...I did. It wasn't hard either" Naruto mumbled as the elder Uchiha nodded.
"So...what are they really doing? I can see it on your face...something bad happened" He said
"Sasuke... I hope he didn't but he supposedly died..." he said quietly. "They're doing everything they can but nothing seems to be working. I said maybe have a love one around and y'all to him 'cause maybe if he heard...if he heard your voice, even just a little bit if it, he'll wake up or some miracle would happen" Itachi said. Naruto on the other hand was stunned. He nodded as he stood up and walked over.
"Let me talk to him" naruto said
"I'm sorry sir but—"
"Let me talk to him!" He shouted slightly which startled them all. They all just stood back to give Naruto some room.
"Hey Sasuke...I know you may not be able to hear me but please don't leave us...don't leave me" naruto said. He felt like he was going to cry. "Don't die...or even better...wake up" he said as he put his forehead on Sasuke's forehead. "Please wake up...I really don't know what I'll do without you" and there it was...a single tear drop fell from his eye and into Sasuke's cheek. After a few seconds, there was a heart beat. Naruto's eyes widened as he looked at Itachi, the nurses, and the heart monitor.
"Holy crap it worked" Itachi said. The doctor and nurses were completely shocked. They knew this happened in movies and stuff but they didn't think they'd ever witness it. Naruto started to sob. He didn't know how to handle his tears nor could he keep it in. The nurses and doctor left the room leaving Naruto and Itachi. Naruto just went to lie down on Sasuke's chest.
Naruto heard this and looked up to see Sasuke awake.
"" Naruto said with tears in his eyes. "Sasuke!" He yelled in shock and happiness. Itachi rushed over to the two
"B-But how?" Itachi asked
"Miracles...that's how" naruto whispered. "Hey Um...Itachi...c-could you step out for a bit...thanks" he said as Itachi walked out.
"Sasuke...I know this may be tough but...your deaf...but not completely! We can get you a hearing aid though. That can help" Naruto stressed a bit
"I can still hear you but sure. But seriously, I wake up and I don't even get an 'I love you" he said
"O-Oh!" Naruto rubbed the back of his head. "Well, I love you Teme and I'm glad your back" he smiled
"I love you too" he said as Naruto pecked Sasuke lips. Sasuke smirked slightly.
"I needed that" he said
"I know you did" the Uzumaki said as Naruto laid next to sasuke.

___Naruto's POV___
A few years had passed since Sasuke woke up. He's doing just fine now and it makes me happy. Sasuke said that he wanted to go out for my birthday today so that's what we did.
We went to an open field with the greatest view and it's jaw dropping. We both had eaten food but I couldn't help but notice that Sasuke was stressing.
"Hey are you alright?" I asked
"Yeah I'm fine...I just have something to say...stand up" he said as I stood up. What was he doing or planning?

___Sasuke's POV___
It was time. You have to do it now. You've been with Naruto for a few years now. It's time...but what if he doesn't—
"Hey you alright?" Naruto asked
"Yeah I'm fine...I just have something to say...stand up" I said as I stood up. Do it now...

___Normal POV___
Sasuke sighed. "You always put a smile on my face and no matter what I had done to you, you still forgave me..." he paused. "I love you so much and I'm glad about all the memories I had with you" he smiled at the blonde. "We've been together for a long time now and I realize what I want..." he paused. "So Naruto..." he got down on one knee. "...will you marry me?" He asked as Naruto's eyes widened. "Yes! Oh my gosh of course I will!" Naruto smiled with so much happiness. He hugged sasuke with tears of joy.
"I love you dobe"
"I love you too Teme" he said as Sasuke kissed Naruto. "Best birthday ever" he said into the kiss. He wrapped his arms around Sasuke's neck and Sasuke had deepened the kiss.
After their make out session, Naruto and Sasuke laid on the ground and looked at the stars. During that moment, Naruto had thought about the day that started everything that had happened. The day we're he finally understood his feelings for the other male. It was the day that even his mother had teased him about. It was the day we're Naruto wasn't his.

"Hey Mom, Dad, Sasuke is coming over, ok?"
"I'm surprised your not dating him" Kushina teased.
"What?! No! He's already dating Sakura! Plus we're just friends!" Naruto said
"That's What you say. You probably really like him eh?"
Naruto just started turning red. "N-No I don't! Not that way at least!" He protested.
"Aww...minato look he's blushing!!" Kushina pointed out
Minato just chuckled. "You really like teasing naruto huh?" He asked
"Well..maybe but it's funny, ya know?" She said.
"Maybe to you" Naruto murmured.

'We're just friends huh?' He thought. 'Nah...we're more than that" he smiled as they both continued to look up at the sky

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