Chapter 4

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Naruto turned around. "D-Did you h-hear all of th-that?" He stuttered.
"Yeah everything...I suppose you tell Sasuke about this" Kurama suggested
"No! I Uh...he doesn't need to's not like it's important anyways.." naruto mumbled
"Naruto...She literally threatened you to stay away from Sasuke! Of course you will need to tell him!" Kurama yelled
"But what if she says is true?" Naruto asked
"But it isn't! Why do you think I ask these type of questions to Sasuke?! Look...Sasuke cares for you. Trust me I now" he said and smiled.
"...ok" he silently said.
"I don't care what you think but I'm telling mom and dad" Kurama said as he turned around and headed to the door
"No! D-Don't tell them.." naruto said as Kurama looked back at naruto.
"It's better if I-"
"We a already heard" minato said from narutos door. "Oh and should tell seriously, tell him. I'm pretty sure we wouldn't want his girlfriend saying stuff like that to you" Minato suggested
"But he won't believe me-"
"It's better to try, ya know?" Kushina said. "Talk to him tomorrow and if something bad happens, it's probably cause he love that bitch too damn much" Kurama mumbled
Naruto nodded. "K..Hey um... I'm going to sleep...night" he mumbled as he tucked himself in and fell asleep.
"Night" all three of them said as they closed narutos door.

The next morning
Naruto woke up from his alarm. "I really need to turned that off" naruto groaned as he turned it off and got up and exited his room. He walked to the bathroom and did whatever he needed to do in the bathroom. Once he finished he looked at himself in the mirror and ruffled his hair a bit. He smiled, walked out, and went back into his room to change. He just threw on an oversized shirt with pants. If we're being honest, naruto wasn't feeling it today; just not wanting to do anything. He walked out of his room, walked down the stairs, and to the kitchen. As he did that he saw his whole family in the kitchen.
"Im going to see sasuke...I'll be back" naruto said
"Alright!" Kushina said as naruto put his shoes on and walked out. Since Naruto never got drivers licenses (yet), he just walked to the Sasukes house.

He knocked on the door and waited. Once the door opened he saw a raven haired female.
"Hey Mikoto-San!" Naruto said
"hello naruto! I suppose your here for Sasuke" she said
"Yeah! Is he here?" The blonde asked
"No he isn't. He went out with Sakura not too long ago. I don't think they should be gone for long so if you like you could stay over and wait." She offered
"Oh that's fine! I'll just go back home. Just tell Sasuke to call me once he gets home!" Naruto said. Mikoto nodded as she waved goodbye and closed the door. Naruto then walked back to his house. "I swear..he's always with her! I don't recall a lot of times where he wasn't with Sakura" naruto grumbled as he kicked a pebble/rock. Once he got back to his house he didn't say anything and just went back into his room.

With Sasuke
"So Sakura...where do you plan on us going?" Sasuke asked
"Oh it's just the park. Nothing special..but it'll be special when your with me" She smiled. Sasuke, in return, smiled back. As he got to the park, they just started walking around.
"Hey Sasuke?.." Sakura mumbled
"Yeah?" The raven replied
"What did you and Naruto do yesterday?" She asked
"Huh? Oh we just went out to eat ramen and went here. We probably would've stayed here longer but he fell into that pond over there so yeah" Sasuke said. Sakura just sighed in annoyance. She then smirked and thought this was a perfect time to ruin Naruto. She probably hoped to hurt him mentally and possibly physically.
"Narutos not who you think he is Sasuke...I heard him talk badly about you with Sai last week" Sakura said
"Oh really? You gotta be kidding me! Naruto wouldn't do such thing!" Sasuke protested.
"Like I said...Naruto isn't who you think he is..I suggest you stay away from him before things get worst" she mumbled. "I'd hate for you to feel heartbroken...and by your best friend too" she pouted.
"What do you think your trying to pull?! I know naruto more then you! What makes you think you could say stuff that aren't even-" Sasuke stopped as Sakura showed Sasuke the video of Naruto talking trash about Sasuke.
"That can't be him...he wouldn't say that..." Sasuke mumbled in shock.
"Told you...I even talked to him yesterday. He said that he didn't want to be around you and he also asked me why he throughly about even being around you". (*cough cough* sound familiar?) Sakura said.
"No...No!! Your lying!! I know him better and he wouldn't...he wouldn't do that..." Sasuke said still in shock.
"Why would I lie to you Sasuke? I wouldn't lie to my boyfriend, now would I?" Sakura pouted
Sasuke just nodded. "I'll talk to him actually...I'm going to ask him now." He mumbled as he walked away and pulled his phone out to call Naruto.

Naruto looked at his phone. 'Sasuke?' He thought as he answered
"Hey Teme! What's up?" Naruto asked
"Do you like being around me? Did you actually talk trash about me to Sai?!" Sasuke yelled
"What are you talking about Teme?" Naruto asked in confusion
"Oh don't play that game with me!! 'What are you talking about Teme?' Oh just spill it already!" Sasuke yelled
"Sauske...I really don't know what you talking about! I never did any of that!! I swear!" Naruto said
" girlfriend doesn't lie to anyone! She's always very honest!! And she told me that you never wanted to be my friend!" Sasuke said
"S-Sakura told you all this?....All of this made up stuff?!"
"'s not made up!! I have evidence that you talked trash about me!! Just admit it!! You don't want to be with me!!" Sasuke yelled
"I'm so you actually believe Sakura? The person who has been the worst person to me in my entire life?! Your girlfriend is the worst person ever!!" Naruto yelled over the phone
"Worst person?! Your the worst naruto! Why would you say that about her anyways?!" Sasuke asked
"It's because it's true!" Naruto said
"No it isn't!! I don't know what's wrong with you but OUR friendship is over!" Sasuke said and hung up. Naruto just sat on his bed as he tried holding back his tears. "Could my life get any worst?!" He cried, failing to keep the tears in. "First Sakura! Now my closest friend?!" Naruto sobbed. "I hate everything...I hate Sakura..I hate Sasuke! I have everyone from that damn school!! I even hate myself!" Naruto sobbed even louder. "I hate everything..." he mumbled as he just cried. Before naruto could say anything else, Kushina just rushed in the room to see Naruto crying.
"Oh sweetheart....what's wrong? I heard you yelling...are you okay?" She asked
"No im not ok!! Sakura just accused me of hating Sasuke! Now Sasuke believes it because it's coming from his girlfriend! Now it's the opposite! He probably hates me" he sobbed. Kushina frowned as he pulled naruto into a hug.
"Hey it's still have other people that you know that care for you, ya know? me, your father, your brother...which I know loves you very much, and other people...don't get discouraged because of what they say to you" she said as she was stroking narutos hair.
Naruto slightly nodded. "But what if he *sniff* never wants to talk to me *sniff* again? I've seen it happen to *sniff* other people..." naruto said
"I'm pretty sure it won't...just give him some time...or you can just confront him right away. Talk to his brother Itachi so that Itachi can screw Sasukes head in straight..." Kushina slightly smiled. Naruto just nodded. "Can you get Kyuu?" Naruto asked. Kushina nodded as she got up and got Kurama.
"What happened?! What did Sasuke do?! Do you need me to beat anyone up?! Who made you cry?! Should I talk to sasuke?!" Kurama asked worriedly.
"Sasuke hates me now..." naruto mumbled
"Oh...that damn sasuke didn't listen to me...he's probably trusting that bitch more then him trusting you...anyways why did you ask for me? Kurama asked
"Because...I feel like I can go to you whenever I'm lost, broken, empty and so much tell me...why does being heartbroken hurt so much?!" Naruto quietly sobbed

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