Chapter 19

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a/n: Happy Halloween guys!!! So for this special day, I will and did update earlier then I usually update! But yeah it was Halloween and I didn't want to put a Halloween story out a day late

Also Credit to the artist who made the picture above. It's really gay and I love it lmao. Anyways back to the story


"Kiba...don't you think we should stop?" Neji asked. "I mean this just isn't right. We literally just got released from jail"
"Look...I don't know care how many times i would have to go to jail. I'll do anything for him to be dead...but as long as he's killed or everything he loves is killed, I will and can die in peace"

____Sasuke's POV____
Since when did those three get out out? Surely time didn't go that fast. I have to tell that dobes family about this. If they know, they can be aware about who Naruto is with. I'll do anything to protect him. He doesn't deserve any if it.

____The next day____

"Hey Sasuke! its Halloween! Lets go!!!" Naruto exclaimed
"but aren't we like 20 and 21 years old?" Sasuke sighed
"who cares! Its just a party!" the blonde happily said as he grabbed his costume and threw Sasukes costume at him.
"What is this?" He asked
"You are a vampire and i'm a fox hybrid thingy!" Naruto said as he went to his room and changed.
"if you say so..." he sighed as he changed as well.

____After they finished changing____

"You're looking great!" Naruto said as he looked at Sasuke.
"same goes for you I guess" he mumbled
"oh I forgot something!" The blonde said as he grabbed a marker and put a fake bite mark on his neck. "Now it looks like you bit me" he smiled
"yeah yeah whatever..." sasuke said as he put his shoes on and waited on Naruto

Once they got to the party, they were welcomed by choji. Once they got in, it was already filled with people.
"care for a drink?" Choji asked the two
"No sorry. I don't drink. Besides I'm not at the age limit" naruto said
"I guess I could have one. Besides I am at the age limit" sasuke said as he tried to imitate Naruto a bit. Naruto just glared at the elder as he just started to wander around the house alone. As he walked around, he swore people were checking him out. Naruto just cautiously walked around as he looked for sasuke.
"Hey! Blondie!" Someone shouted. Naruto looked over to see another blonde.
"Blondie? You're blonde too!" Naruto pointed out. The other male chuckled
"Anyways what do you want?" Naruto asked
"What's someone like you doing here? You look too innocent" he said
"I was invited by my friend"
"Oh okay then. Well I'm Deidara"
"I'm Naruto" he smiled. "Well I better go find my boyfriend. Cya" Naruto said as he walked off to find sasuke. Naruto continued looked around.
"Boyfriend Huh?" Deidara mumbled

____Sasuke's POV____
Where did that dobe go? He literally could be anywhere. Is he even aware that some people here are drunk. I swear if he gets touched in any other way I won't hesitate to hurt the one who touched him.
"Teme!!!" I heard someone yell. Yeah that's my naru. I walked towards the sound and saw that he was being pinned to the wall. God damnit. I quickly grabbed Naruto and have a glare at the dude.
"Back off" I growled
"Oh and what will you do? It's not like he's your property" He pouted. He's already annoying
"Well he is my boyfriend! So back off" I said as I grabbed him and walked off.
"You need to be more careful"
"Sorry Sasuke. I honestly didn't think this would happen" he said and I just looked at him.
"We are at a party. Someone like you would most likely get peoples attention. I mean, you even got my attention" I said which made Naruto blush madly. That was cute.
"W-Whatever" he stuttered. His stuttering is cute too.

____Normal POV____
Naruto and Sasuke sat down in the stair case and just talked. Sasuke of course drank a bit while Naruto just sat there while carrying a conversation
"Oi Teme don't drink too much!" Naruto said
"But this is only my third one. I'll be fine" he said
"That's what you think! Soon enough you won't know what you're doing and emotions that I probably never see will arise! Like what if you become horny?! I can't do anything because your like...way stronger than me!" Naruto complained
"Can you just chill out dobe? I'm not going to get drunk" he said
"That's what you think" the blonde mumbled as he checked his phone. He just scrolled through his social media and he kept looking at Sasuke to make sure he wouldn't go get another drink.
"I'll be right—"
"If your going to get another drink, don't even bother going. I'm not risking anything. Besides, I'll do anything for you if you just stop drinking today. It'll give you hangover and stuff." Naruto mumbled
"Oh? So that's how we're going to play?" Sasuke said with a smirk.
a/n: it was at this time that he knew...he fucked up
"Mhm" he said as he kept looking at his phone.
"Well look at me then" Sasuke said as Naruto looked at the other male. Sasuke just leaned in and kissed Narutos lips.

a/n: a smut is being written. Kinda. It's basically a heated make out session...kinda

Naruto kissed back as their lips started to sync. After a while, Sauske bit narus lips for entrance. Naruto complies as Sasuke shoves his tongue in the other males mouth. The two then fought for dominance and of course the elder male (Sasuke) won. Sasuke then pulled back from Naruto.
"We can't do it here" he sai. "Just Wait alright?" He said as Naruto nodded. "Let's go back to the dorms. I'm bored" Sasuke said as Naruto nodded again.

Once they got to their dorm room, they both changed and Naruto fell asleep in an instant. Before Sasuke went to sleep, he got a notification

'Hey be careful and watch over Naruto. Kiba and Sakura are planing to kill Naruto or kill the people he loves'

'Who is this?'

'I'm Neji...sorry...but I'm just giving you a warning about this'

'And why should I trust you'

'it's because I finally learned my lesson. Now please believe me and keep Naruto away from any contact from Kiba and Sakura. If you don't, Kiba won't hesitate to kill him'

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