Chapter 12

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a/n; warning. Lots of stuff happens in this chapter but then again when does it not have anything like that here?
Also I have an announcement. I'll say it at the end sooo continue

Normal POV
Sasuke woke up from his phone vibrating. He picked it up and answered.
"Hello?" He said
"Hey Teme! Anyways I'm out of the hospital so you can just go to my house" naruto said
"Oh okay then...I'll be there in a few" Sasuke said as he hung up. Sauske walked to the bathroom and did whatever he needed to do. He then walked to his room and grabbed a grey shirt with black ripped jeans and a belt and put that on. He then put his socks and shoes on and walked out the house.

Sasuke walked to Naruto's house and once he got there he just knocked on the door.
"Oh good morning sasuke! Thank you for coming" Kushina said as she let Sasuke in.
"Thank you for letting me even come into your house" he said as he just took his shoes off.
"It's no problem" she said. "He's in his room" she said as she walked back to the living room. Sasuke nodded as he walked to Narutos room. The raven knocked on the door to see if there would be an answer
"Come in" naruto said. Sasuke nodded as he opened the door. "Oh sasuke..morning"  he slightly smiled. "Morning" he said and looked at naruto.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Naruto asked
"Is that bad?" Sauske asked
"What? No not at all. It's just weird?" Naruto tried describing it
"Weird? what do you mean weird?" Sasuke asked.
"Never mind" the blonde sighed. Sasuke just nodded.
"Anyways, I can move more! It doesn't hurt as much" he said happily. Sasuke nodded again. " broke up with Sakura right?" He asked
"Whats this about?" The raven asked
"Just answer my question Teme" Naruto said. Sasuke sighed. "Yes I did. I broke up with her" he answered
"Oh..that's good...she wasn't meant for you anyways..." naruto mumbled
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked
"She isn't the right person for you...but maybe...just maybe I could be the right person for—" he stopped to realize what he had said. He started to freak out...just a bit.
"Naruto?" Sasuke said, making naruto snap out if it. "what are you trying to say?" He asked. Sasuke was mildly confused. It's like he knew what was going to happen but he couldn't stop himself from going it. It was just like his own dream.
" wouldn't wouldn't agree so it doesn't ma—Sasuke Why are you so close?" He asked
"What are you trying to say?" He asked again
"Y-Your too close" naruto said flustered. Sasukes eyes widened. "...oh my gosh I'm sorry" he apologized and backed up. 'I could've kissed him! Wait no that'd be too soon' sasuke thought. 'But then again, what happened in my dream didn't happen so...I mean I guess that's good'

Kiba grouped up with Sakura and Neji.
"Alright...we're skipped school today. I don't care what happens after but I'm really pissed right now." Kiba growled
"Why? What happened babe?" Sakura asked
"Apparently Sasuke is taking care of the gay Uzumaki so, we're going to show sasuke a lesson and don't be afraid to hurt someone...especially Sasuke" Kiba said. "C'mon" he said as he walked off to Narutos house.

He knocked on the door and waited.
"Hello?" A crimson hair woman stood before them.
"Hey is Naruto and Sasuke here? We were told to give them their work" Kiba said
"Oh okay. Sasuke is with Naruto in his room" Kushina replied.
"Thank you" he grinned as the three walked in. They charged into Narutos room and smiled.
"Long time no see eh?" He smirked devilishly
"Why the hell are you doing here?" Sauske growled
"Oh...well me, Sakura, And Neji decided to come pay a visit..." he smiled again. "Sakura the knife...please" he said as Sakura gave Kiba the knife. While they did that, Neji got a hold of sasuke and held him.
"Hey what are you—"
"Quiet...or what we'll do will be worst"
"Now...we'll teach you a lesson...first know to never be with Sauske k? Anyways every time you lie, sasuke will get a cut...okay?" Kiba grinned. Narutos eyes widened "you wouldn't.." he said
"Oh yes I would...besides we aren't going to listen to some low class clan member who probably cares for only himself.

"First...we'll start off you like Sasuke as a friend or possible as a lover ?" He asked
"I-I..." he stopped
"You What? Hmm...?" Kiba said as he put the knife against sasukes arm
"I...I think of him as a friend..."
"Wrong!" He said as he cut into sasukes arm
"I-I'm telling the truth!" Naruto said
"That's another lie! Just tell him! You like him as a possible lover ain't tat right?" Neji asked
"I'm not lying...just stop it...please stop! I'll do anything for you....just please stop!" Naruto cried. "D-Don't hurt him again.."he said
"Oh yeah? Like what? You're already our punching bag. Unless...maybe we can...make you our pet" he smirked. "Anything...just don't hurt Teme" he said. Sasuke shook his head.
"Don't do's not worth I—"
"Shut it Uchiha" Kiba snapped. "Anyways...I'll think about it...just...who do you like? It can't be that bad right? Or are you scared that they'll dislike you for it" Kiba pouted and laughed. "Like hell they'd care, they probably don't care for you at all" Sakura spoke out
"I'm kinda bored...maybe we can do stuff to both Sasuke and Naruto...don't you think?" Kiba said as he looked at the others for an agreement.
"Alright....lets do it"

a/n: *sigh* don't you just love torturing fictional characters? Because I definitely don't but I still do...that's weird. Anyways, I made a one shots fan fiction and I need recommendations so like please go to that one shot book and give me some ship recommendations...well you can do it here but once I post the book then you can recommend on there

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