Chapter 2

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a/n: this chapter starts off after a month or two Sasuke and Sakura started dating (which means it's summer!! For them at least)

Naruto laid on his bed in boredom. It was a Saturday morning and naruto had to do something. He grabbed his phone and called sasuke.
"What do you want, dobe?" Sasuke asked
"Hey Sasuke, wanna hang out today?" The blonde asked
"Sure..I'll come over in a bit ok?"
"Okie dokie! See ya in a bit" Naruto said and hung up. Naruto walked out of his room and downstairs.
"Hey Mom, Dad, Sasuke is coming over, ok?"
"I'm surprised your not dating him" Kushina teased.
"What?! No! He's already dating Sakura! Plus we're just friends!" Naruto said
"That's What you say. You probably really like him eh?"
Naruto just started turning red. "N-No I don't! Not that way at least!" He protested.
"Aww...minato look he's blushing!!" Kushina pointed out
Minato just chuckled. "You really like teasing naruto huh?" He asked
"Well..maybe but it's funny, ya know?" She said.
"Maybe to you" Naruto murmured. Before Kushina or Minato could say anything back, they heard a knock on the door. Naruto walked to the door and opened it.
"Perfect timing" naruto sighed
"What do you mean? Also why is your face so red?" Sasuke asked
"Huh?! Oh that's nothing! Anyways let's go" he said and practically dragged sasuke up to his room.
"Don't do anything we-"
"Stop it mom!!" Naruto yelled embarrassingly
Kushina And minato just laughed

"Sorry about that.." naruto chuckled.
"It's fine..anyways what do you want to do?" Sasuke asked
"Oh right! Wanna play Mario Cart" naruto asked while giving a smirk
"Oh hell yeah" sasuke said while giving a smirk back
"Imma win this time ya know?" Naruto said as he settled up the game
"In your dreams, dobe" sasuke said as he grabbed a controller

After a few rounds
"Damnit Teme! Why won't you let me win?!" Naruto whined
"I'm just going easy on you"
"You call that 'going easy' on me?!" The blonde practically yelled
"Fine I'll let you win this ti-" Sasuke was paused by his phone vibrating. Sasuke grabbed his phone and answered

"What's up babe?" Sasuke asked
"You here yet?" Sakura asked
"What do you mean?" He asked
"You forgot?! Today is our date!!" Sakura yelled
"Oh shit.." sasuke whispered. "Right! I'll be there"
"Alright! See you in 20" Sakura said and hung up

Sasuke sighed. "Sorry naruto but I gotta go.." he said
"Was that Sakura?" Naruto asked
Sasuke just nodded.
"Oh ok...well I guess I'll see you some other time..." Naruto mumbled
"Yeah...but don't worry! I'll come back...promise" he said and walked out of the room. He walked down the stairs and walked out of the house.
"You better come back" naruto grumbled
Narutos POV
He left me again for Sakura...he always does this! Every time we hang out and Sakura ask to be somewhere with him, he'll leave me for her! Like what type of friend does that?...No what type of best friend does that?! Well..all I have to do is let Sasuke do what he wants. It's his life, not mine.

"Oi Naruto!! Someone is here!!" I heard my mom yell
"Ok I'm coming!" I yelled as I walked down the stairs. As I got to the living room, I saw a red headed male talking to my parents.
"Kyuu?!" I yelled I'm happiness "your back!! For how long though?" I asked
"Naruto I just got here and your already asking me a question" Kurama said
"Oh! Sorry, I'm just really happy your here. long are you staying?! How was America?! Did you miss us?! Did you miss me?!" I started ranting
"Yes naruto I missed you guys, America was cool but I prefer japan, and I'm also staying here forever so get used to it" Kurama answered
"Sweet!!" I smiled and hugged Kurama.
"We'll let you guys catchup" the Dad said as he got up and went to his room. I think my mom just followed.
"Anyways, how are you and sasuke?" Kurama asked as he pulled back from the hug
"Besides the fact that he leaves me when Sakura asks to be with Sasuke alone, which happens a lot, me and sasuke are perfectly fine! But my 'friend' Sakura obviously hates me" I exclaimed
"Wow...So your best friend is dating someone that hates you...but still my little brother is still single?! How old are you?" He asked

Oh wow Kyuu..yeah but that shame all over me. Is he even aware of the situation that I'm in?! I should've expected him teasing me though...he gets it from mom I suppose

"18..." I answered
"So I'm guessing you'll be going to college soon?" Kurama asked
I just nodded
"Wow...well you'll find someone...eventually" my brother said and patted me on my back
"Sure..anyways how are you?" Naruto asked
"I'm good...but now if you excuse me, I'm going to sleep..yeah goodnight naruto" Kurama said as he got up and went straight to his room.
"Night!!" i yelled as i just sat on the couch with no one to talk to. Sasuke better come back. He promised me too so if he doesn't come he's gonna get a lecture. Plus I have to win him at Mario cart! He can't always win! I have to win too ya know?

As seconds become minutes and minutes become hours sasuke still didn't come. Soon enough it was 2:00 in the morning. He ditched me!! Again!! And this is a whole new type of ditch! He usually comes back when he says he's coming back but NO! He doesn't come back this time!! He full time ditched me...and with Sakura too?! So much for being my best friend and SO MUCH FOR HIS PROMISE!! I mean...I understand that he's dating someone but he should at least have some time for me...right? Or is that sick bastard just more concerned about that pink haired bitch.
I might as well just go to sleep...

Normal POV and next morning
Naruto woke up from his alarm. 'Why do I have my alarm on!? And in summer break too?!' He thought as he got up and got himself ready for the day. Once he finished changing and all that stuff he just got his shoes on and opened the door.
"So where are you going?" Kurama asked
"I'm going to Sasuke's house, Kyuu. Apparently I have to teach someone a lesson on keeping promises" naruto grumbled
"Well who's gonna take you?" He asked
"Kyuu, I'm not a little kid anymore. I can just walk there" naruto said
"I'm taking you...for some reason I don't trust you on your own" Kurama said and he put his shoes on and grabbed his car keys. "Let's go" he said as he exited the door and to the drivers seat. Naruto just rolled his eyes and nodded as he went to the passengers seat. Kurama started the car and headed for sasukes house
"You know where Sasuke lives right?" Naruto asked
"I used to take you there all the time naruto! Of course I know" he said
"Alright, alright" he said as he looked out the window.
As Kurama parked in front in the house, naruto just hoped out of the car and straight to the front door. He then knocked and waited.
"Oh hello naruto!" Itachi said
"Hey itachi! So uh is sasuke here?" Naruto asked
"Yeah he's in his room" he answered
"Thanks Itachi" naruto said as he took his shoes off and went to sasukes room. As he got to sasukes room, he could hear little moans. "Ew..." naruto mumbled as he just knocked on the door which surprised the two.
"What is it Itachi?" Sasuke asked
"This isn't Itachi! This is naruto, Teme!" Naruto said
"Oh what do you need?" He asked
"Before I do, put your clothes on so I can walk in" he said
"Uh-Right.." sasuke said and both sasuke and Sakura out their shirts on. (It was just a make out session!! Chill out ya nastys) "You can come in now!" Sasuke yelled. Naruto just nodded as he opened the door.
"Now listen here buddy! What happened to that promise you made yesterday?!"
"What promise?" Sasuke asked
"What promise?! What promise?! Oh I don't know maybe the one where you were like 'yeah...don't worry...I'll come back..promise'!" Naruto yelled
"Yeah I'm go.." Sakura mumbled as she got up and walked out of the room.
"Oh...sorry naruto. I just was caught up with Sakura. After our date we went shopping which tired me out" sasuke tried apologizing
"So sitting in a chair, probably waiting for Sakura to finish finding clothes are exhausting?" Naruto frowned. "A promise is a break a promise and can slowly go away...sorry doesn't mean anything, Teme!" Naruto mumbled
"Look naruto...What can I do to make it up to you?" Sasuke asked
"To fulfill a promise" naruto said
"What? You want me to hang out with you today? Is that it?" Sasuke asked
"Of course it is Teme! You barely even hang out with me..." naruto quietly said the last part
"What did you say?" Sasuke asked
"Of fucking course I want to hang out with you...for an actual decent time. It's like I never get to!" Naruto yelled
"Ok ok calm down! So where to?"
"I want ramen...we go to the Ichiraku Ramen Shop then we can go do something you want to do" Naruto explains
"Alright...let's go then" sasuke said as he headed out of his room and out of the house. Naruto just followed

a/n: ok imma end it here...even though there's no cliffhanger. Oh well!

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