Random post

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a/n: here's a random post about my random thoughts and about the next chapter!
Okay so for the next chapter I want you to decide...that is if anyone even replies or comments ;-;
Anyways since they're in college, I wanna have some SasuNaru dares in there so please...give me ideas...it can be fluff, smut, angst, or even a lemon. JUST ASK AWAY!!! I'll also ask a few if my friends so yeah anyways onto the random thoughts!

Random thought #1
So when kurenai used genjutsu On Itachi and Itachi reversed it, would that mean that Itachi used a genjutsu reverse card?

Random thought #2
Why is it called water? And who made up the words for an object? God?

Random thought #3
When jogging, we put on special clothes so people don't think we are running from or to something.

Random thought #4
In order to fall asleep, you have to pretend to be asleep.

Random thought #5
In video games, if there is danger near by, you won't be able to sleep. So what if I can't sleep?

Random thought #6
A birthday cake has many flavors but birthday cake is a flavor

Random thought #7
What if my religion is in correct? What if all out religions are incorrect and that the Atheist are correct?

Random thought #8
Since Shinso's quirk is where he can control peoples minds if they answer his question. What if he asked a nomu a question but all they did was scream. Would that be consider an answer?

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