Chapter 21

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Naruto saw the commotion and ran over there. Once he got there shots of terror went through him and his heart

Naruto ran over the the scene, not giving a crap about who he ran into. He just had to get to Sasuke. Naruto then ran over to Sasuke's injuries body and held him.
"Oh my god...why did I—why did I leave you?" Naruto said quietly as he cried. Naruto held  him tightly despite the fact that he would be covered in blood.
Soon the ambulance came to take Sasuke while the policemen went to Naruto.
"You gotta let me go with him" he said
"I'm sorry sir but you can't do that...there isn't enough room" A brown haired guy said. "How about you call a relative to pick you up and take you to the hospital so that you can wait on him" he suggested. Naruto hesitantly nodded as he grabbed his phone and called Kurama.
'Please pick up" Naruto repeatedly thought
"Hey Naruto. What's up"
"Sasuke got into a car accident...t-they won't l-let me go w-with th-them s-s-so can you take me?" He asked
"Where are—"
"S-State fair...just get here quickly!" Naruto cried
"I-I'll be right there" Kurama said as he rushed to get into his car.

___Later that day___
Naruto waited and waited in the waiting room. He needed to know that everything was going to be okay. He wanted to be the first to know that Sasuke was okay and that he's not going to die.
News had spread quickly that Sasuke has gotten into a car accident. Soon enough, Itachi was the first of his family members to be there. Itachi walked up to Naruto, giving him a hug.
"I'm so sorry Itachi...if only I had know that...that they weren't after me...then I wouldn't have left him and—"
"'s alright. It's not your fault that this happened." Itachi said as he pulled back from the hug. "I'm sure he'll recover"
"You may see him" the nurse said as Naruto and Itachi instantly walked to Sasuke's room. Naruto walked in and headed towards the chair next to sasuke.
"S-So...there are some good and bad news..." The doctor said
"Just go ahead and say it Grandma Tsunade" naruto said as both him and Itachi waited
"Good news is that he is alive and he will recover..." she paused. "The bad news that he won't be able to hear..." he said and Narutos eyes widened. "A-Alright...when will he wake up?" He asked
"That's where you didn't let me finish...he's in a coma..." Tsunade said. "I'm sorry" she sighed.
"No...No...No! I can't go on without him! There has to be a way to wake him! Heal him! Fix him! He can't suffer like this! He just...he just can't" naruto started to cry. Itachi stood there and hugged Naruto for comfort.
"On the bright side, he's still alive" Itachi said as he pulled away from the hug.
"Right...well...I'm not leaving...I don't care what you guys say or think. I'm not leaving his side. I'll drop out of collage for all I care...I just want to make sure he's okay..." naruto cried. You could head his voice crack and you could tell he was hurting. The pain Naruto had silently let out echoed through the room. He was hurting way more than possible...Possibly even more than Itachi.
"I-I'm going to find my(our) parents" Itachi said as he left the room in search of the family that live Sasuke dearly.
"I'll leave you alone" Tsunade said as she left leaving only Naruto and Sasuke in the room.
"Why?...Why Teme?...Why?!...Why do you just go out and do that to me?!" Naruto cried even more. He couldn't take it...he had to let it all out.
"I don't want you to leave me again...I don't want you to leave me like in high school...I want you to stay here and not die on me..." naruto sobbed.
"I was a fool to think that I had lost you forever back then...but I might actually lose you forever" his voice crack in pure pain and suffering. Memories with Sasuke came rushing through his mind as if he was never going to see Sasuke well and happy. Every memory has come...even the bad ones

Sasuke and Naruto panted as they both laid next to each other and feel asleep with these words...
"I love you..."
"I love you too..."
Yeah, I um...I have a question.." naruto said
"So um...since we did...' it', does that mean we're—"
"Yeah that! Wait what" the blonde paused as he looked straight at the male in front of him
"You asked that since we did 'it' you want to know it that means we're dating...correct?" Sasuke asked
"I...U-Um...well...yeah. Is that weird to ask? I mean like we did tell each other we liked each other but we didn't confirm anything and I was just—"
Sasuke kissed Naruto on the lips
"Gosh, I hoped that would shut you up" the raven sighed. "I guess I'll confirm it with you now...yes...we are dating," Sasuke said which made Narutos face lit up.
"R-Really?!" Sasuke nodded and Naruto hugged him.
"I mean, that's if you'll except"
"Why wouldn't I not except?! Of course!" Naruto smiled
"Oh my gosh fine! You want to know? You really want to know?" He asked
"Mhm! I can help you out too! Besides we are friends" he smiled through his pain. The thought of him liking someone else hurt him more than ever
"I'll tell you then...It's you alright? It's you that I like! For a long time now..." Sasuke confessed. Naruto looked at Sasuke with wide eyes.
"That's what I said right?" He said.
"I guess I can finally do this now..." naruto said as he got closer to the male in front of him.
"Oh?" Sasuke smirked as he put his hand onto the blondes cheek and one on narus waist and got closer the his lips. Naruto just kissed sasuke and soon enough, Sasuke kissed back. Naruto then pulled back and looked straight into Sasuke eyes.
"Hey promise me that we'll be friends forever right? Your my first and only friend...I would hate to lose promise me ok?" Naruto smiled
"Yes dobe, I promise. I wouldn't want to lose your either and since your also my first and only friend, I'll make sure to hang out with you a lot!" Sasuke said
"Sounds great Teme..well lets go. Can't be late!" Naruto said as he walked off
"Naruto you alright?" He asked
"Yup! I just fell into water. I'm fine!" Naruto said as he got up and got out of the pond. "Big hug!" Naruto said as he just jumped onto sasuke causing himself and sasuke to fall onto the ground.
"Hey! That wasn't even a hug! You also got my clothes wet!" Sasuke yelled
"Oh did I do that? I'm sorry" naruto said as he cheekily smiled.
"Whatever just get off" sasuke said as he pushed naruto off. Naruto just laughed as he and sasuke sat up.
"So who was that?" Naruto asked
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked
"The phone call. Who was it?" He asked again
"Oh. It was Sakura" he answered
"Ah you going to go off with her again?" Naruto asked
"What?! No! I promised I wouldn't do that remember?" Sasuke said causing naruto to smile.
"Glad you even remembered that promise" he smiled
"Is that an insult?" Sasuke asked
"What? Nooooooo...definitely not" naruto said sarcastically
"Uh Huh...well we should get you home since your soaked in pond water" sasuke suggested
"Uh Yeah right! Race you there!!" Naruto yelled
"Oi Naruto. Are you going to get up or what?" Sasuke asked
"Well yeah but...can you at least not look?" Naruto asked
"I saw last night. It wouldn't hurt for me to see it again" he smirked
"Th—Oh my gosh Teme! You pervert!" Naruto said as he grabbed the nearest toweled and ran into the bathroom.
'That, That pervert! I can't believe he said that!' The blonde thought as he turned in the shower and went in.
After he finished taking a shower, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist and walked out. He then went to the drawer and grabbed his clothes and such. He quickly changed and was about to walk out u till a certain voice stopped him.
"You do realize that you changed right in front of me right?" The raven asked
"Huh?!" Naruto looked at the other male in shock. "Why didn't you say anything?!" He started to freak out
Sasuke let out a sigh. "Chill our Naru. It's not the first time I've seen you naked" he said which made Naruto's face redder then a tomato.
"W-Whatever...lets just uh... let's just go get breakfast," he said as he walked out of the room. Sasuke just got up and followed
"Some stupid letter huh~?" Naruto teased
"Oh shut up, dobe" sasuke said and slightly pushed naruto away
"Well it's your time to finally get with your crush! I'll wait for you in the front of the school, k?" Naruto said
Sasuke just nodded as he headed for the tree
"Oh! So you remember when um...Kiba spilt ink all over me and I ran out of the classroom yet you followed me?" Naruto asked
"Yeah? Why?" Sasuke asked a bit confused
"Well remember when I cleaned myself a bit and you gave me your jacket for reasons I don't remember" he said while Sasuke nodded again.
"Well...i still have your jacket and I would've given it back but I would either forget or it was just too late for me to give it back..." naruto said
"Oh..." sasuke said and sighed "you can have it"
"Wait really?! I—I Uh...I mean c-cool—I mean you sure?" Naruto asked a bit embarrassed. Sauske smirked and chuckled
"Yes dobe, you can have it" he said which made the other males face lit up with happiness
"Sasuke? You doing that weird staring thing again" naruto said
"Oh sorry" he mumbled
"It's fine! I guess I'm very attractive eh?" Naruto chuckled
"I guess you can say that" Sasuke murmured and slightly blushed
"What was that?" Naruto asked
"Nothing" he said immediately after.

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