Chapter 20

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'it's because I finally learned my lesson. Now please believe me and keep Naruto away from any contact from Kiba and Sakura. If you don't, Kiba won't hesitate to kill him'

'Um...sure. Okay I trust you...I guess you should just try and keep them away from us as much as possible' Sasuke texted

'Will do' Neji texted

Sasuke then out his phone down and tried to go to sleep.

____the Next morning____
Sasuke woke up the morning sun and a knock at the door. He got up and opened it.
"Hello?" He said as he saw three people before him. "Can I help you?" He asked
"Um you know where you can find Uzumaki Naruto?" One of them asked
" I know you? And does he know you?" Sasuke asked
"Me and Naruto has had some...history together...along with you" he smiled
"Okay...I'll be back" he said as he went to Naruto's side and woke him up.
" up" Sasuke said
"What is it?" Naruto mumbled
"I don't know how but...Kiba and then are at our door" he whispered
"They are? They want me dont they?" Naruto answered and Sasuke nodded.
"What do we do?" Naruto asked.
"Well...we tell them that I don't know you..." he whispered. "Be right back bae" he said as he went back to the door
"Sorry but I don't know him. Nor is he here. Maybe try the building next door" Sasuke lied
"Then who were you talking to?" The pink haired person asked
'Do they really not recognize me?' Sasuke thought
"I was talking to...Menma...yeah Menma" he said
"If you say so...just give us a call if you ever see him or know where he is" he said as the three walked away. Sasuke closed the door and sighed
"That's was close"
"Menma? Who comes up with Menma?" Naruto asked
"I don't know...I just feel like your name could be Menma...somewhere else? I guess" he said
"Uh okay..."

___With Kiba and his cReW____
"You know that was Sasuke right?" Sakura said
"I know...that's why we're going to kill Sasuke. If Sasuke continues to live, Naruto will live" he growled
"Remind me why you hate Naruto so much" Neji asked
"Because he's annoying, he took Sasuke away from me, he just doesn't deserve to live" Sakura said and Kiba nodded
"I don't think you should kill either of them Kiba..." Neji said
"Since when did you care so much about them?!" Kiba asked
"Because...I want to change... Naruto has talked to me and...he said that I could change my path. And that's what I'm doing" Neji answered
"Tch, whatever...You can leave to Sasuke and and Sakura will plan out how we will kill Naruto" Kiba said as he walked off. Neji just ran back to Sasuke and Naruto's dorm.
"Hello?" Naruto asked as he opened the door.
"Oh Neji! Look me and Sasuke are busy and—"
"Kiba and Sakura are planning to kill you...I just wanted to let you know" Neji said
"W-Wait what?" Naruto asked in shock
"Kiba and Sakura are planning to kill you" he repeated. "I suggest you keep aware of your surroundings" Neji said as he just turned around. "I'll take my leave" he said as he left

___Day 1___
Naruto and Sasuke had a normal day and nothing bad had happened.
"I'm not going to die right?" Naruto asked out if no where
"I won't let you die...I'll do anything for you not to die

___Day 2___
Kiba and Sakura planned on how they were going to kill Naruto...or at least kill his happiness. To kill happiness you have to kill what makes them happy.
"We'll kill Sasuke..."

___Day 3___
Sasuke and Naruto had a normal day in collage. Nothing strange had happened. It was all going smoothly.

___Day 4___
Kiba and Sakura decided to find out where they were before they would strike. Maybe if they killed his family, Naruto will kill himself to be with them

___Day 5___
Naruto woke up to a nightmare. Sasuke and his own family had died in his dream from getting into a car crash and assassination. He was petrified and was just crying his eyes out. Of course Sasuke tried to comfort him and tell him it was going to be okay

___Day 6___
Sakura found out where Sasuke and Naruto were and decided to be anonymous and invite them to the fair, the next day,

___Day 7___
Naruto begged Sasuke to go to the fair.
"Fine..." sasuke said as they both got ready. Sasuke and Naruto got ready and went out.

a/n: this is what they chose to wear. First one is Sasuke and the second on is Naruto

 First one is Sasuke and the second on is Naruto

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Naruto and Sasuke got into the car and The raven haired male drove to the fair

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Naruto and Sasuke got into the car and The raven haired male drove to the fair.
"That line of cars is long" naruto sighed. "Is this like a state fair or something?" He asked
"Most likely...hey you don't have to wait so long, why don't you go and walk to the fair entrance and wait on me. I'll just go and find a parking spot" Sasuke said
"But what about...what about you know what?" Naruto asked
"You'll be fine. They can't kill you in front of lots of people"
"Okay..." naruto said as he got out of the car and started walking.
"Target found...get the car running" Kiba said in this ear piece
"One step ahead of you" Sakura said as a car with some trigger came driving through the highway and to the fair. While Sasuke was getting through the line, Sasuke noticed the car coming straight at him.
'Shit!' He thought as he tried to move out of the way. But it was too late
everyone that was in their cars got out instantly and looked at where the car had hit. No one was in the car who hit Sasuke's car. But...Sasuke was hurt majorly. Someone called 911 and someone tried to get Sasuke out.
Naruto saw the commotion and ran over there. Once he got there shots of terror went through him and his heart

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