Chapter 8

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Kurama just stared at those bruises and wrapped up injuries. 'What the hell happened?' He thought. Kurama just ran downstairs to inform Minato and Kushina.
"Mom, need to come see this" he said as he ran back to Narutos room. Minato and Kushina didn't hesitate to follow Kurama to narutos room.
"He's out cold but..he has bruises but also his body is mostly covered in bandages or wraps.."
"Oh my gosh!!!" Kushina said as she knelt down to narutos side with tears coming falling from her eyes
"We're taking him to the hospital" minato said sternly as he walked over to naruto and carried him to the car. Kushina and Kurama quickly followed. "How could've done this? I don't think Naruto would've done all of this.." Kushina mumbled
"Well we don't know that...but if I'm being honest it was definitely someone...he couldn't possibly have done all that by himself" Kurama said as he looked to his side and say the blonde (hopefully) peacefully sleeping.
Once they got to the hospital, Naruto was rushed to a room and was examined.
"I'd like for you guys to stay here" Kabuto said as he went into the room where naruto was unconsciously laying there. They all nodded as they waited in the waiting room. So many thoughts were running through their minds. Kurama was rather inpatient and couldn't even sit down to relax. He was just walked around the room trying to ease and calm down. Kushina was just cuddled up against Minato. As a mother, Kushina was very stress in this situation. Minato in the other hand held Kushina and tried soothing her, telling it everything will be fine.

"You guys went too far!" The raven yelled at the three. "You guys were only to kick and punch him! Not cut him, making him scream and call for help!" Sasuke yelled again
"And why do you care so much? Don't you hate him too? I mean he did tell you to stay away from him correct?" Kiba questioned
"Yeah babe, why so furious? He deserved it and you know it!" Sakura said
"You guys took it too know you can go to jail for this!" Sasuke said
"So? The only reason we'd go to jail is if we get caught. Naruto isn't going to tell anyone because he cares for people too much. Even us.." Neji said
" guys are could've killed him.." he mumbled
"Why do you care so much?!" Sakura yelled/asked at Sasuke
"It's reasons that don't need to be explained.." sasuke said. Sasuke did indeed hate Naruto...but a piece of him didn't. A piece of him knew that all that information about naruto hating him and not wanting to be with him was false but the other half did believe all of that. He knew it was false but majority of him decided to believe naruto hated him and all.
"Sakura...I love you but you have to stop this..." Sasuke said
"Like hell imma stop. It's more fun to humiliate someone" Sakura said
"And giving someone injuries that could possibly lead to death is fun?! What did naruto ever do to you?" The raven asked
"He was taking you away from me of course! Plus he's an Uzumaki...he doesn't deserve to be in a school like this" Sakura said proudly
"Listen Sasuke, you need to understand that you are an upper and naruto is a lower. You two shouldn't even be friends" Kiba said
"Who cares about who's lower and who's higher!" Sasuke argued
"Sasuke! What are you even saying?! Are you saying that you've gone soft for him again?!" Sakura asked
"Maybe I am! Maybe I'm not! You guys just went to get out of my house" Sauske growled. The three just sighed as he walked out of the house.
"Kick and punch naruto huh?" Itachi pokes his head through Sauske door.
"I-I.." Sauske froze

Back with naruto
"You guys can see him now" Kabuto said in the waiting room. Kushina and Minato shot up as the two and Kurama didn't hesitate to go into Narutos room. Kurama rushed to Narutos side. "D-Don't do th-that" he stuttered
"What? What do you-"
"Knocking out cold like that! You scared the living daylights out of me! What even happened?" Kurama asked
"I can't say...if I'll just get worst..." naruto said
"Did you do this? Or did someone else do it?! There's no way I'm letting someone hurt my little brother get by! Who did it?!" Kurama asked
"I-It's was Sakura...Kiba...And Neji.." naruto mumbled
"That bitch was-Sorry. She was apart of this?! Does Sasuke even know?" Kurama asked
"Kyuu...Sasuke and I aren't friends anymore...I couldn't possibly know..but I'm pretty sure Sasuke knows...Itachi can deal with him.." naruto mumbled
"What the hell did Sauske do?!" Kurama asked
"Well he stayed with...he stayed with Sakura...he believed that I hated him and stuff which makes no sense on why he'd believe it in the first place" he said. "Hey kyuu?" Naruto asked
"Why can't I just go to sleep and never wake up?" Naruto asked. Kuramas eyes widened. "Don't you dare ever think or ask that again!" He said. Minato and Kushina sat there speechless. Their son was like this and they never even realized it.
"Also...why am I an Uzumaki instead of a Namikaze?!" Naruto asked
"Naruto..." Kushina said. "Well it's compl-"
"Complicated?! It's complicated?! Let me tell you this, if I weren't an Uzumaki, none of this would've happened!" Naruto sobbed
"Naruto..." minato said. "This happened because you were a Uzumaki?! Clans don't define who you are! If they are bullying you because of that, I won't hesitate to report the school about this." He said
"Maybe Naruto shouldn't go to school for a while...his condition isn't good either" Kurama said
Kushina and Minato agreed. "Naruto, do you want someone to keep you company? Like a friend or anything?" Kushina asked
"I don't have any friends...they're a waste of time anyways...they just end up betraying you. Well at least thats what they do to me...I rather have Kyuu than a friend.." naruto mumbled. Kushina sighed. "We're going to ask's best to fix your relationship with him...I'm sure deep down you really miss him as your friend too.." she said
"B-But...why him? He's been such an ass before school even started...what makes you think our relationship can be fixed?!" Naruto asked
"Naruto...I'm positive it can be fixed. You talk some sense into him and soon or later he'll realize what he did wrong" minato said
"Yeah but-" there was a knock on the door. Minato got up and opened the door.
"Is he ok?!" A familiar voice was said from the door

a/n: so cliffhanger! You guys gotta wait till I update again! Hahaha...

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