Chapter 13

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"I'm kinda bored...maybe we can do stuff to both Sasuke and Naruto...don't you think?" Kiba said as he looked at the others for an agreement.
"Alright....lets do it"

Sakura And Neji grinned. "Oh can I start on naruto. He took my beloved sasuke from me" she pouted
"You cheated on hi—" naruto was cut off by Sakura.
"Shut up" Sakura said keeping her hand in Naruto's mouth. Naruto went silent but his fear continued to roar. 'Help us! Someone...please' he thought hoping someone would come in and help them like those cliche moments in movies but no one came. Kiba then held his knife and put it against sasukes other arm. "How about another?" He asked
"Go to hell" Sasuke said
"Oh? So the raven talks?" He pouted and sliced his skin. Narutos eyes widened as struggled to get out of Sakuras grip. "Stop it!" He trie yelling but all of it were muffled.
Kurama walked into house.
"Hey mom" he said as he took his shoes off.
"Hey Kurama" she smiled. "Narutos upstairs by the way" Kushina said as Kurama nodded and walked to Narutos room
"Naruto im—what the hell?!" He said as he saw what was happening
"Oh shit" Kiba said as both him and Neji backed away from sasuke whirl Sakura got away from Naruto. Naruto sighed in relief as he instantly went to sasuke
"So you're the people who did this?" Kurama growled
"Ah! S-Sorry s-sir! We just—"
"Shame on you" Kurama said as he pulled his phone out and called 911.
"911 what's your emergency?"
"Hi, I have three kids in front of me and they are abusing my brother and his friend...please come to (whatever they are located at)"
"Alright sir we'll be on our way"

Once's the police got to the house, Kushina was confused. "What happened?" She asked
"Three kids happen to abuse your son and his friend"
" they are the ones who did it?" Kushina said as he ran to Narutos room to see the three kids get arrested. She glared at them making Sakura And Neji walk out instantly with the policemen or woman.
"Well that's should be token care of! Now to treat that wound" Kurama said and looked at Sasuke while Kushina went to get the med kit
"I can do it my—"
"Nonsense. I'll help you out...future brother in law" he teased making Sasuke blush mildly while making Naruto a tomato.
"Don't say that Kyuu! I don't like him that way!" Or so he thought
"Whatever" Kurama smirked as the med kit was handed to him. Once Kurama finished helping Sasuke, sasuke just sat on the bed.
"You two can go now..." sasuke mumbled
"Alright alright. Whatever you say" Kurama said as Kushina and Kurama walked out of the room and closed the door

a/n: so I have no ideas whatsoever Me. Please...or just give me ideas and I'll see what I'll do

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