Chapter 16

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*******siren and kappa belong together********someone please tell me that you know who these two gays are

Sasuke had pulled Naruto into a hug
"Don't do that scared me you know that dobe?" he said as tears fell down Sasuke face
"I—I'm sorry" naruto said as Sasuke's grip on Naruto got a bit tighter.
'If only...I could say I love you..."
'If only I could say I love you too..'

Sasuke then realized what he did and pulled back
"I—Uh...Sorry about that...I got kinda mixed up in my feelings. Don't get the wrong idea! I'm okay with hugging my friend" Sauske reassured
"Yeah...friends..." naruto said
"Anyways, your parents and your brother are really worried about you. You might as well go downstairs" Sasuke recommended.
"Oh right! Okay let's go" naruto said as he grabbed Sasuke's hand without thinking. Sasuke opened his mouth but he didn't say anything. Once Naruto and Sasuke got downstairs, Kurama instantly walked over to naruto until he realized something.
"Why're you two holding hands?" He asked
"Kyuu what do you—" naruto said then he realized what he was doing
"Holy shi—shoot!!" He said as he let go of Sasuke's hand Making Kurama laugh.
"You're too funny Naruto. Although Sasuke seemed to like it"
"Huh?! Don't bring me into this" sasuke said only to have Kurama chuckled
"Your annoying Kyuu" naruto pouted
"I know" he said and walked off. Then his mother and father walked to Naruto in relief
"Your not hurt are you?" Kushina asked
"Mom I'm fine. I just had a...I just had a um...panic attack.." naruto mumbled
"Well...your fine now so that's good" Kushina smiled
"Thanks a lot Sasuke" Minato said as he walked up to him
"It's no problem.." the raven said. "Imma head out now. Itachi is probably wondering where I am" Sasuke sighed
"You never told your brother?" Minato asked
"I didn't think of it till now...because...well you know. But yeah I'm going to go" Sasuke said as he headed towards the door.
"Hm..okay. Cya tomorrow Teme" Naruto said
"Hn..bye" he said as he put his shoes in and left the house.
a/n: I'm going to do a time skip to like when Naruto and Sasuke are in like college because I have plans for these two gays...and I want them to be at least 19-20 years old. Anyways, continue

Naruto woke up in his dorm room and checked the time. 'Hm..I'm actually you early" he thought as he got up and got himself ready. He went to the bathroom to find it locked And the shower running.
"How long are you going to be in there?!" Naruto sighed
"Not long. Also your up early. Why's that?" he asked
"I just happen to. I'm also hanging out with my friends today"
"And who are your friends?"
"Stop acting like me mom" naruto sighed in annoyance
"I just want to know" he said
"I'm going out with Shikamaru, Choji, and Gaara. If you want to go then you can come with me Teme" Naruto said
"Hm...I guess so" Sasuke said as he turned the shower off and grabbed his towel.

Once the two finished getting ready, they headed out to Shikamaru and Choji's dorm room. Naruto then knocked on their door
"Hey Naruto! Oh Sauske?! I didn't know you where coming" Choji said
"Yeah I didn't either" Sasuke replied
"Oh shush" naruto elbowed him making Sasuke glare at naruto. Choji laughed as Naruto and Sasuke walked in.
"Oh hey Gaara! How are you?" Naruto asked
"I'm good. How about you?" The red head asked
"I'm good" naruto smiled  "anyways, what are we doing?" Naruto asked as both him and Sasuke sat down.
"The classic truth or dare! We're all boys so this will be entertaining" choji grinned which gave Naruto an odd feeling about what was going to happen.
"Alrighty...I'll start" choji said scaring Naruto a bit.
" alright?" The raven asked making Naruto nod as an answer.
"Alright then.."
"Okay...Naruto...truth or dare?" He asked
"Uh...truth?" The blonde said.
"Awh. Why not a dare?" Choji asked
"Because I'm not risking anything" the blonde answered as if that was the smartest thing he had ever said.
"C'mon Choji. Go on with what they want not what you want" Shikamaru said. "But this whole thing is a drag..."
"Oh alright" choji sighed "okay it true that you have a crush on someone?"
"Why the classic question?" Gaara asked
"Just go with it!" Choji said
"I—Uh—I mean I wouldn't call it a crush but more of a lover type of crush? I mean well...I did like them for a long time now and—" naruto stopped himself. 'They're going to bug me for the answer now...I said too much!' He thought
"And???? Just tell us who it is! Are they a girl? Or a boy? Are they in this room? Or are they somewhere else? Spill. Now!" Choji said
"I...I...I...uh...please excuse me" naruto said as he got up and went straight to the bathroom.

Naruto's POV
I closed the door and locked it. Holy crap I can't believe I said that. If I had just answered the question maybe I could've avoided who I liked! I mean I'm surprised that they don't know...okay yeah they're a boy and they're in the room. Has the prettiest black eyes I have ever seen which is weird but still. He can be cold sometimes but he's really nice. I wonder if he feels the same...but damn he is fine—omg what the heck?! Ahhh this isn't good! If I walk out of this bathroom right now I'll just be a tomato. But Sasuke likes tomatos—oh boi! Oh no! Okay okay calm boy. Take deep breaths. I just have to try and keep it a secret
"Hey dobe you alright in there? You're taking quite some time in there" dobe? Sasuke? Right now? Now isn't a good time!
"I—Uh I'm a-a-alright. J-Just give me a m-m-minute" I stuttered. Oh my gosh I sound so vulnerable!
"Your stuttering. You sure you're okay?" He asked again
"Mhm!" I said as I just hesitantly opened the door. "Let's continue yeah?" I said a bit nervously
"Whatever you say" Sasuke said as we both sat back down.
"Anyways! Naruto you still haven't answered" Choji said
"On my gosh fine! Yes I do like someone! Their gender does not concern you! Nor does their whereabouts!" I practically yelled. I don't know what it was, I just got angry?
"The gender is probably a boy. We all know your gay Naruto" Shikamaru said. "I'm pretty sure everyone that went to our high school knows too. And as much of a drag it is, it's pretty obvious on who you like. Well to me it is" he said.
"Thanks Shikamaru! That makes me a lot more better" I saw sarcastically. I may look calm but I'm panicking and slightly shaking. My heart is also beating a lot faster. He knows who I does he know I like Sasuke?!

a/n: and that concludes this chapter! Also I'm thinking of making a new fanfic and I'm going on and off on the two fanfic I made up.

One is called 'Your Choice' and the other is called 'Only You Can'

'Your choice' is a SasuNaru while 'Only You Can' is an OC story

So help me decide and comment!!!

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