Chapter 5

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a/n: this chapter will be longer than the others so yeah 👍 Also that picture above was made by me..I'm just crediting the artist ok?!

Oh...well um why does being heartbroken hurt so much? Hm lemme see...well i guess in your situation, it hurts a lot because you lost your closest friend and the thought of living without that one person can make you feel like you lost everything...and that someone was your happiness...maybe even your whole if I'm correct, this is why your feeling heartbroken.." Kurama said. Naruto nodded as he just hugged Kurama. "I'm so glad your here" naruto cried "but...there's something else bothering me..." naruto said a she pulled away from the hug
"What is it?" The red-headed male asked
"This isn't to first time I felt this way...but It felt different from last time to this time...but I don't know the exact feeling" he mumbled
"What do you mean?" Kurama asked
"Well...ever since Sasuke liked Sakura and once they started dating, there was this feeling...I'm not sure what it was but it made me feel sad...but also...jealous...I'm not sure why I felt that explain to me that feeling..." naruto asked
"Are you asking me this because I'm more experienced than you are?" Kurama asked
"...maybe...but answer me!" Naruto said
Kurama nodded and smirked. "That feeling you had is love Naruto...but it isnt that friendly type's more of a romantic one" Kurama explained
"What?! No you gotta be joking! I can't love Sasuke! It'd be weird...right?" Naruto said
Kurama just laughed. "It's true Naruto...that jealousy can come from love. When you love that person and that person is with someone else, your sad but your also jealous...but it seems like you have ignored that feeling up till now" he said
"Up til now?" Naruto asked
"I mean look at yourself! Your a tomato!" Kurama said
"What?! NoNoNoNoNoNoNoNo! I don't like Sasuke that way! Plus he's already with...someone else" he yelled which slowly quieted down.
"Your just denying your feelings...hey how about we go to Sasukes house and we talk to Itachi about this...if Sasuke and possibly even Sakura are there, just ignore them.." Kurama said
"Umm...sure.." naruto said as he got up. "Let's go" he said and exited the door.
"I'm coming I'm coming" Kurama said as he followed after Naruto.

Once they arrived at The Uchina household, Kurama knocked on the door while naruto stood behind him. As the door opened they immediately saw Itachi.
"Hey Kurama..Hey Naruto" Itachi said and smiled
" Itachi..we have to tell you something. And well...It's about sasuke but I'm pretty sure Naruto can explain it all" Kurama said
"Oh sure...come in" Itachi offered. The two nodded and walked in. "Follow me" Itachi said as he walked to the dining room. "So what happened?" He asked
"Well um...let's apparently-" naruto went on to explain. After Naruto got done explaining what had happened, Itachi sat there in shock. "I knew Sakura was up to something. I'll make sure to talk to him because I'm pretty sure you would never do something like that..Sasukes probably just blinded by Sakura. Love makes you do crazy things am I right?" Itachi asked
"Oh it sure does!" Kurama said
"Please talk to him...I don't want to lose him forever.." naruto said
"Don't worry Naruto I will" Itachi said.
"Hey Itachi do you know where- you...why the hell are you here?!" Sasuke asked as he spotted Naruto.
"I only came here to tell Itachi something important...YOUR obviously not going to listen to me so i rather tell someone who does...and it's not like you'd listen anyways!! Your always so caught up with Sakura to the point we're all you do is rant about being with her!! Instead of having a fun time like we used to, you just choose Sakura over me! You changed Teme..I don't know why but you have changed" Naruto yelled as he got up. "Kyuu Let's go.." naruto said as he put his shoes on and walked out
"Yeah hold on! Wait for me outside!" Kurama yelled. "Ok now listen here Sasuke...I already told you to be careful on what you say and obviously trust your girlfriend more then your childhood friend...which is completely messed up! I want you to think about what you did to Naruto!" Kurama scolded as he quickly put his shoes on and left the house.

"Oh my little brother...looks like you lost Naruto for good..." Itachi mumbled.
"What do you mean?! I would care less to be around that dobe" sasuke snapped
"Look sasuke...Naruto never did anything's all your girlfriend's fault on this...if you haven't noticed, Sakura has been a big asshole to Naruto...being his friend you should've Kurama said...think about what you did.." Itachi said as he just left sasuke alone. "Now think about what Naruto said to you from today to like when you were in you actually think that Naruto would say such things about you?" Itachi asked. Sasuke sighed as he just thought

"Hey promise me that we'll be friends forever right? Your my first and only friend...I would hate to lose promise me ok?" Naruto smiled
"Yes dobe, I promise. I wouldn't want to lose your either and since your also my first and only friend, I'll make sure to hang out with you a lot!" Sasuke said
"Sounds great Teme..well lets go. Can't be late!" Naruto said as he walked off

"Oi Teme! You gotta let me win ya know?! It's not fair that you always win!!" Naruto complained
"It's not my fault that your bad at the game" sasuke mumbled
"What?! I'm not bad!! Your just way too good!"

"Thanks for the ice cream Teme! I owe you one" Naruto smiled
"Heck yeah you do" sasuke chuckled
"Well I guess I really do huh?"
"You were only joking?!" Sasuke asked
"Well Maybe" naruto said

"Some stupid letter huh~?" Naruto teased
"Oh shut up, dobe" sasuke said and slightly pushed naruto away
"Well it's your time to finally get with your crush! I'll wait for you in the front of the school, k?" Naruto said
Sasuke just nodded as he headed for the tree

Sasuke sighed. "Sorry naruto but I gotta go.." he said
"Was that Sakura?" Naruto asked
Sasuke just nodded.
"Oh ok...well I guess I'll see you some other time..." Naruto mumbled
"Yeah...but don't worry! I'll come back...promise" he said and walked out of the room. He walked down the stairs and walked out of the house.

End of flashback
"I was just an act Itachi...there's even a video of him trash talking me" sasuke grumbled. "I mean Sakura told me that naruto actually hurt her once...I can't forgive naruto...not at all" sasuke said
"You really are hard to persuade...sasuke go to you room...also don't talk to your girlfriend...she's no good" Itachi said
"You can't stop me from doing that" Sasuke glared as he ran up to his room and slammed the door.

Once naruto and Kurama got home, took their shoes off, went to the living room and sat down.
"Hey Naruto?" Kurama said
"Yeah?" He answered
"So do you really hate yourself?" He asked
"What do you mean?" Naruto asked
"Well I heard you say 'I hate Sakura...I hate Sasuke...I hate everyone from that damn school...I even hate myself' so do you actually hate yourself?" The red-headed male asked
"Oh...what's there to like? Like Sakura said...I'm worthless, pathetic, and lame..." naruto mumbled
"Naruto! You aren't worthless, pathetic, or lame!! Your the best brother I could've asked for! You makes many people smile! Your amazing...don't let one or two people bring you down with just words..ok?" Kurama said
"Yeah sure...I'll be back.." naruto said as he went to his room. He looked at his photos that were in Narutos room and grabbed the ones with sasuke on it...which was a lot of them. Once he got all of them he looked at all of them  and started remember each moment that had happened during that picture. Soon enough he started to cry.
'Why did this have to happen?!' Naruto thought as he just started ripping each photo (like the picture above) once he got to the last one, he just started to bawling. "Man...this was the last picture we ever took was a very fun day I have to admit but..." he stopped as he stared at it as he ripped it. "It's best not to have anything that reminds me of him..." he mumbled as he grabbed an empty box out of his closet and started putting stuff that reminded him of sasuke in it. Once he finished his phone started to ring. "Who the hell is calling me?" He thought as he saw the name Sakura. "Might as well take it in.." he thought as he answered

a/n: ok guys...I need to know because I can't choose.

1.Should sasuke forgive naruto after he sees naruto in the hospital after Sakura gave him life threatening injuries

2.should he forgive naruto after he found out naruto has been cutting himself?
I know both occasions are sad but I don't know which one to do so ;-; yeah

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