Chapter 15

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a/n: so this will be a SasuNaru type filler chapter but like the book is'll just get more of it...if you know what I mean...

How are they in good measures right now? I was sure I had Naruto in my reach. Did I do something wrong?" The red head thought

Naruto and Sasuke finally calmed down and class started.
Kakashi walked in and smiled under his mask.
"Nice to see you again Naruto" he said
"Nice to see you too Kakashi Sensei" naruto smiled. Yeah he was glad to see Kakashi but being back wasn't great. There was still a lot of people who bullied Naruto but he hoped that someone would defend him or at least stay around him.

As class went on, Sasuke sat there in boredom. He decided to go too sleep but before he could Naruto hit him with a paper ball
"What the hell?" He whispered
"Your not going to sleep here" naruto whispered back. The raven rolled his eyes
"Fine whatever" he said as he went back to paying attention. Naruto just smiled as he payed attention as well.

Lunch Time ùwú
Naruto walked to the lunch room and Sasuke followed. Once they got in the cafeteria, Naruto went straight to the lunch line. Sasuke just went to look for a seat. As Naruto went to go sit next to sasuke someone stopped him.
"Hey Naruto...mind sitting with me?" Gaara asked
"Oh uh...I'm sitting with Sasuke. Sorry Gaara. Maybe next time?" The blonde said
"But I insist. I haven't seen you in a long time you know. We should catch up" he said
"Um..." naruto paused and thought about it.
"I mean I gu—"
"Naruto what's taking so long?" The raven interrupted
"Huh? Oh Gaara just asked me to sit with him. M-Mind if I do?" He asked
"Yes I mind very much. Now, come on" Sasuke said as he practically pulled Naruto
"Well that's wasn't nice" the blonde pouted as he sat down
"I can't trust anyone at this point" he replied
"You don't trust me?" Naruto asked
"Yes and no. There's no telling what you'll do but your my friend so yeah...yeah I trust you" Sasuke said which made Naruto smile and nod. 'Friend? I so he's my friend again' Naruto thought
"Oh! So you remember when um...Kiba spilt ink all over me and I ran out of the classroom yet you followed me?" Naruto asked
"Yeah? Why?" Sasuke asked a bit confused
"Well remember when I cleaned myself a bit and you gave me your jacket for reasons I don't remember" he said while Sasuke nodded again.
"Well...i still have your jacket and I would've given it back but I would either forget or it was just too late for me to give it back..." naruto said
"Oh..." sasuke said and sighed "you can have it"
"Wait really?! I—I Uh...I mean c-cool—I mean you sure?" Naruto asked a bit embarrassed. Sauske smirked and chuckled
"Yes dobe, you can have it" he said which made the other males face lit up with happiness. He wasn't quite sure why it made Naruto so happy but for some reason, seeing Naruto happy made himself happy.  And the fact that Sasuke remembered that day like it was yesterday was weird. Usually he wouldn't remember a lot about the past yet things with naruto were clear to him.
As Naruto continued to talk and stuff, Sasuke thought about that moment

Naruto walked into the room to have ink spill all over him. The outcome wasn't that great. Kibe, Sakura, Neji and everyone laughed at him (besides three people) and they would call him a loser or something negative. But this of course woke Sasuke from his nap. He looked at the door and saw Naruto tremble as he dashed out of the classroom. Sasuke then got up and ran out and followed Naruto.
Once Sasuke caught up to Naruto, he helped Naruto out.
"Sorry about them" Sasuke sighed
"It's fine...I guess" naruto replied as Sasuke continued to try and get the ink off of Naruto.
"Here" Sasuke said as he handed Naruto his jacket.
"B-But Sakura...ww-why don't you just keep this for her? I mean, i don't think she'd like this...she'll flip out if she sees that I have this" Naruto said worriedly
"It's fine. Plus, I don't think you want to walk around with visible ink on your arms. Your face is fine though...i could get the ink off your face a lot easier for some reason but that's okay" the raven said
"Oh...okay then" naruto slightly smiled

Sasuke slightly smiled at the thought and continued to listen to Naruto.
"Hey dobe" Sasuke interrupted
"What?" Naruto answered
"I was thinking about  going over your house today after that okay with you?" He asked
"Oh yeah! Sure! I'd love to have you over again" the blonde smiled. Sasuke didn't know why but Naruto would always remind him of the sun. He shines like no other and his smile enlightens everyone. The blondes blue eyes complimented his hair really well too.
"Sasuke? You doing that weird staring thing again" naruto said
"Oh sorry" he mumbled
"It's fine! I guess I'm very attractive eh?" Naruto chuckled
"I guess you can say that" Sasuke murmured and slightly blushed
"What was that?" Naruto asked
"Nothing" he said immediately after.

When school ends
"Temeeeee!" Naruto pouted
"What?!" He responded
"You promised meeeee" naruto continued to pout
"What did I promise you?"
"You promised that you'd let me win at Mario Cart and so far you only won and you never let me winnnn" he whined
"I swear sometimes you can be so irritating" Sasuke sighed as he walked down the hallway
"So? You still gotta let me win!" He shouted
"Hush! We are in the hallways. You can't be too loud" sasuke said sternly
"Yeah but—" naruto stopped talking as he noticed that they were being talked about and looked at

"You think that Sasuke and Naruto are together?"
"Ew no! Sasuke couldn't possibly like someone like him"

"I still can believe that he's back...could t he just stay home? And why is Sasuke with him? Surely he's playing some type of game with Naruto"

"I honestly think Sasuke and Naruto look cute together—"
"What the heck?! Hell no. Sasuke wouldn't like someone that's good for nothing! Plus Sasuke isn't gay!"

"Sasuke Kun is so dreamy"
"Yeah but what is he doing walking with Sasuke?"

These words stabbed Naruto in the chest. He looked at Sasuke who was glaring at people and keeping his head high and continued walking. Yet Naruto stopped moving. He felt like he was going to fall...or faint. Flashbacks of what had happened to him months ago came rushing in like there was no tomorrow. Then, Naruto started to hyperventilate causing him to fall to his knees.
"Naruto?" Sasuke said as he looked back to see the blonde on his knees with one hand in the floor. He ran to Narutos side and tried to comfort him and clam him down
"Naruto calm down—"he said but it was too late. Naruto then passed out.

Sasuke waited by Naruto. Sasuke would even pace around the room in bucket loads of worry and stress. He looked at naruto and touched his cheek. He then removed his hand and impatiently waited. He looked around until he heard a rustle from the bed. He looked over at naruto to see that he was awake. Naruto sat up and without even knowing, Sasuke had pulled Naruto into a hug
"Don't do that scared me you know that dobe?" he said as tears fell down Sasuke face
"I—I'm sorry" naruto said as Sasuke's grip on Naruto got a bit tighter.
'If only...I could say I love you..."
'If only I could say I love you too..'

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