Chapter 3

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a/n: sowwy I haven't updated! I was somewhat busy and I had no idea on what to do this chapter so like...enjoy a somewhat filler chapter???


Once Naruto and Sasuke got to Ichiraku's
"Alright sasuke lets go!!" Naruto said as he hopped out of the car and to Ichiraku's.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming" sasuke mumbled as he followed after Naruto. Once they got there, naruto and sasuke sat down and ordered.
"Man it's been a while since I last came here" sasuke said
"Really?! Maybe I should take you here more often" The blonde mumbled
"I won't have the time to"
"Oh really? And why is that?" He asked
"Something that doesn't concern you" sasuke said back
"Meanie" naruto pouted.
"Should I be sorry?" Sasuke asked
"I don't know, should you?" The blonde questioned. Sasuke just sighed
"Hey promise me that if we encounter Sakura, you won't just go off and leave me"
"Why? You jealous or something?" Sasuke asked
"No it isn't that! It's just you always leave me for her..." he murmured
"Seems like you are jealous"
"No im not!! Plus you said you'd hang out with me to anyways" naruto said as he pouted and crossed his room. Sasuke just chuckled at naruto.
"Fine I promise" sasuke said as he saw the food coming out.
"yay!! Ooo it's here" naruto smiled as the food was placed in front in him and sasuke.

After they ate and paid
"So Teme, where do you want to go?" Naruto asked
"I don't care where we go...the park? Maybe I don't know"
"Hmm...yeah we can go there! It's not too far from here right?" Naruto asked
"I believe so" sasuke said as they both got into the car and then sasuke started his car and drive to the park.

Once they got to the park, naruto and sasuke then went to a bench and sat down.
"Oooo there's a pond!" Naruto said as he got up and ran to the pond. "Sasukes there's fishies!" Naruto pointed out
"Hn, ok" sasuke said as he just looked off into space. Sasuke looked over at naruto and just sat there until he had a phone call.
'Sakura?' Sasuke thought as he got up.
"hey naruto I'll be right back" sasuke said as he walked further away from naruto and answered the call
"Ok" naruto yelled back as he gazed into the pond.

"Hey Sakura! What's up?" Sasuke asked
"Let's go and hang out! I'm getting bored and it felt like ages since I saw you" Sakura said
"But I literally saw you this morn-"
"Shh. I miss you ok? So come to my house and we'll plan a little date!" She said happily
"Sorry Sakura...not today. I'm with Naruto right now and I promised to hang out with him today" he mumbled
Sakura sighed. "You're with Naruto? Didn't I tell you that you shouldn't hang out with him anymore?" She said
"I don't think you get it Sakura. Naruto is my first and only best friend. I'm not putting that in the trash"
"Look it's either him or me...which will it be?" Sakura said sternly
"I Uh-" before sasuke could answer he just heard a big splash. He turned around and saw naruto in the pond.
"Hey uh I'll call you later. Naruto just fell into the pond..bye!" Sasuke said as he hung up and ran over to naruto.
"Naruto you alright?" He asked
"Yup! I just fell into water. I'm fine!" Naruto said as he got up and got out of the pond. "Big hug!" Naruto said as he just jumped onto sasuke causing himself and sasuke to fall onto the ground.
"Hey! That wasn't even a hug! You also got my clothes wet!" Sasuke yelled
"Oh did I do that? I'm sorry" naruto said as he cheekily smiled.
"Whatever just get off" sasuke said as he pushed naruto off. Naruto just laughed as he and sasuke sat up.
"So who was that?" Naruto asked
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked
"The phone call. Who was it?" He asked again
"Oh. It was Sakura" he answered
"Ah you going to go off with her again?" Naruto asked
"What?! No! I promised I wouldn't do that remember?" Sasuke said causing naruto to smile.
"Glad you even remembered that promise" he smiled
"Is that an insult?" Sasuke asked
"What? Nooooooo...definitely not" naruto said sarcastically
"Uh Huh...well we should get you home since your soaked in pond water" sasuke suggested
"Uh Yeah right! Race you there!!" Naruto yelled as he got up and ran to the car.
"Hey you can't just-" sasuke stopped as he got up and ran after naruto.
"Haha!! I beat you!" Naruto yelled from the car
"Yeah Yeah whatever!" Sasuke yelled back as he got to the car. The two got into the car and grove off to Narutos house. Sasuke pulled into the driveway and parked. Naruto and Sasuke then got out, walked to the door, and knocked.
Kurama walked to the door and opened it.
"Pfft. What happened to you Naruto? And hey sasuke" He laughed. Sasuke just waved his hand
"I fell into a if you excuse me, I gotta take a shower" naruto said as he walked into the house and straight to the bathroom.
"You can come in too Sasuke" Kurama said
"Oh, thanks" Sasuke said as he walked in and took his shoes off. After that sasuke went to sit down in the living room.
"Oi Sasuke" Kurama said as he sat next to the raven haired male
"What?" He responded
"How much do you treasure Naruto?" He asked
"What's this about?" Sasuke asked confused
"Just answer the question. How much do you treasure naruto?" He asked again
Sasuke just sighed. "I treasure him a lot...he is my first friend so I treasure him very much" Sasuke mumbled
"More than Sakura?" He asked being a very nosy (?) brother he his.
"No comment" he said as Kurama just frowned.
"I'm just saying, be careful on what you do...friends don't always stick together" he mumbled as he got up and went upstairs.

"So like what was that about?" Naruto asked as Kurama got upstairs.
"Just being a good brother and getting information from my little bros best friend" Kurama said proudly.
"Really Kyuu?" Naruto asked
"What? I just needed information"
"Whatever" naruto sighed as he walked down the stairs.

"Sorry about that.." naruto said
"What? About what?"
"About my brother. He's somewhat over protective" he sighed
"Oh it's ok...Well it's getting late so imma have to go before Itachi scolds me for being home 'passed my curfew'..I didn't know I even had a curfew" sasuke said as he got up. Naruto nodded. "Cya tomorrow?"
"Maybe" the raven mumbled as he walked out the door and closed it.
"Hm, ok" naruto said as he walked to the door, locked it, and went to his room. He walked to his bed and plopped onto it. He grabbed his phone and saw some missed calls and texts from Sakura. 'Weird..she doesn't really call or text me that much..." he thought as he looked through the text messages.

Sakura Haruno
Naruto call me now

Naruto Uzumaki
Sorry Sakura I was busy..but ok I'll call you I guess...

Sakura Haruno
Took you long enough

'What would Sakura even want to talk to me about?' He mumbled as he called Sakura.
"What do you want Sakura?" Naruto asked as she picked up.
"Naruto stay away from Sasuke...I don't want a loser like you near someone like Sasuke" Sakura grumbled
"And why is that?" Naruto asked
Sakura just sighed. "Don't you get it?! If you hang out with Sasuke too much, your bond with him will only grow stronger and most likely want to be with you more than me!!" Sakura yelled through the phone
"Jealous much?" Naruto asked
"Look...someone who is worthless, pathetic, and lame as you shouldn't be with someone like him! I don't even know why sasuke even wanted to be around you! he doesn't even want to be around you! Sasuke's just acting like this...Forget it naruto! You and Sasuke aren't the friends you think you are! He doesn't even have time for you!!" Sakura tried persuading naruto.
"Y-Your wrong! Sasuke wouldn't ever think that!" He yelled
"You really don't get it, do you? If you don't stay away from him, I'll hurt you in ways you wouldn't imagine" She growled. Naruto just looked at his phone. He didn't think that these words would hurt him this much. Now all he was doing was thinking about what she had said. He just hung up and sat in his bed with what just happened replaying in his mind. Tears falling from his face. "Does sasuke even have time for me anymore?" He thought out loud.
'Don't tell anyone what you just's not important...this is something only between me and Sakura...' he thought but what he didn't know was that Kurama heard everything.
"That bitch.." Kurama growled as he walked into Narutos room.

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